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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
countless stories are told of the grim courage and grit of General Hill. In the first Maryland campaign he held the pass at Boonsboro for many hours with a mere handful of troops against McClellan's overwhelming numbers, thus giving time for Jackson to complete his capture of Harper's Ferry and join Lee at Sharpsburg. It is said that toward the close of the Boonsboro fight, riding down his short line, his men reported that they were out of ammunition, and that the stern old North Carolina Puritan replied: Well, what of it? Here are plenty of rocks! His habit was, when his skirmishers were firing wildly, to ride out among them, and if he noticed a man lying down or behind protection and firing carelessly, he would make him get right up and come and stand out in the open, by his horse, and load his musket and hand it to him. Then he would crane his neck until he saw a Federal skirmisher, when he would point him out to his man, but would fire at him himself, not only taking long, p
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Slaveholding Virtues. (search)
n thousand dollars, and what is worse, has bagged the money, or those rags which are supposed to represent the money. The Richmond papers which report this backsliding of the wretched Taliaferro do not say that he has any Yankee blood in his felonious heart, but we suppose it will be eventually discovered that he has a great aunt living somewhere in New England, who is a church-member and an Abolitionist. Nothing less can account for his profound iniquity. He must certainly be of the old Puritan stock. Who but one purely of that strain could rob impecunious, starving, ragged Virginia? Surely it can not be one of her own children who has thus pilfered from an insolvent old mother, who has seen better days. Why, 't would be like filching coppers from the dead eyes of one's grandam. O Hunter Taliaferro! What a bad example you have set to the ingenuous youth of Virginia! So, too, we lament to record that in New Orleans, Gen. Butler has not found that pure Arcadian simplicity of
arms (the very opposite of the dress à la sausage), there was neither studied humility nor conspicuous poverty, but the recommendation of clothes typical of true Puritan ideas,--clothes that would not patronize coughs, consumptions, pride, or taxes. As the royal family and the nobility led the English nation in habits of dress, tt family in the log-hut on the banks of the Mystic. We will take Saturday and Sunday. Let us look closely. The father is a strong man of forty-six, with a true Puritan heart; and his wife is seven years his junior, with good health and without anxiety. Their first child is a son, eighteen years old; the next is a daughter of si of imperious necessity: any thing further was thought to violate the jealous sanctity of the day. The iron strictness with which Sunday must be kept, made every Puritan look on that occasion as if two fast-days had met in one. The hour of rising was remarkably late; and nothing like hurry was seen in the house. Nature found a r
he was librarian for a short time. He was chaplain on board the frigate Hancock in 1777; but, returning to Medford, died there, May 6, 1781. His wife died Nov. 29, 1800, aged 69. She was, through her mother, a lineal descendant of the famous Puritan divine, John Cotton. Their children were--  31-51Cotton Brown, b. July 20, 1765; d. May, 12, 1834.  52Peter Chardon, b. Jan. 6, 1767; d. Jan. 1, 1849.  53Mary, b. Jan. 27, 1769; m. Samuel Gray, of Salem.  54Joanna C., b. May 18, 1772; m. Naof division. He served in the Indian wars, under Major Willard, as the treasurers' books witness. His name, with his wife's, stands on a petition in favor of an old woman charged with being a witch; hence he can hardly have been of the extreme Puritan party, although a member of the church. 1-4John Whitmore was one of the early settlers in Medford, at least at the period when the records commence. He m., 1st, Rachel, dau. of Francis Eliot, and widow of John Poulter, of Cambridge. His child
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
ral persons of name who had followed the Marquis (of Montrose) and had been taken prisoners, among whom Sir Robert Spotswood was one, a worthy, honest, loyal gentleman, and as wise a man as that nation had at that time (whom the King had made secretary of the State of that Kingdom). She once read to me Sir Walter Scott's account of Sir Robert Spotswood's execution; and I well remember how her eyes indignantly flashed, when she came to Sir Robert's calm, but withering reply to the canting Puritan minister, who interrupted his last devotions. With the exception of some dim ancestral traditions of the old border Barons of Spotswood, and more especially of one William Spotswood, a man of great bravery, who accompanied King James IV in his unfortunate expedition into England in 1513, and poured forth his life's blood with his royal master on the fatal field of Flodden, my grandmother's family lore did not extend much beyond Sir Robert's father, Archbishop Spotswood, primate of Scotland
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cromwell, Oliver 1599- (search)
ned him Hampton Court as his abode. He now sought supreme rule. On April 20, 1653, he boldly drove the remnant of the Long Parliament, which ruled England, out of the House of Commons by military force. The same day the council of state was broken up, and for weeks anarchy prevailed in England. Cromwell issued a summons for 156 persons named to meet at Westminster as a Parliament. They met (all but two) in July. This was the famous Barebones's Parliament, so called after one of its Puritan members named Praise God Barebones. It was a weak body, and in December, 1653, Cromwell was declared Lord Protector of Great Britain, and the executive and legislative power were vested in him and a Parliament. In his administration of affairs he exerted considerable influence in the English-American colonies. His administration was a stormy one, for plots for his assassination were frequently discovered, and he was constantly harassed by the opposition of men who had acted with him bu
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell) 1788-1879 (search)
nd this era is made brilliant by the distinguished women of the British island. There is still a more wonderful example of this uplifting power of the educated mind of woman. It is only ninety years since the Anglo-Saxons in the New World became a nation, then numbering about 3,000,000 souls. Now this people form the great American republic, with a population of 30,000,000; and the destiny of the world will soon be in their keeping. The Bible has been their Book of books since the first Puritan exile set his foot on Plymouth Rock. Religion is free; and the soul, which woman always influences where God is worshipped in spirit and truth, is untrammelled by code, or creed, or caste. No blood has been shed on the soil of this nation, save in the sacred cause of freedom and selfdefence; therefore, the blasting evils of war have seldom been felt; nor has the woman ever been subjected to the hard labor imposed by God upon the man—that of subduing the earth. The advantages of primary e
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Navy of the United States (search)
y11,525First-class battle-shipS.12,318T. S.22 Iowa11,340First-class battle-shipS.12,105T. S.18 Indiana10,288First-class battle-shipS.9,738T. S.16 Massachusetts10,288First-class battle-shipS.10,403T. S.16 Oregon10,288First-class battle-shipS.11,111T. S.16 Brooklyn9,215Armored cruiserS.18,769T. S.20 New York8,200Armored cruiserS.17,401T. S.18 Columbia7,375Protected cruiserS.18,509Tr.S.11 Minneapolis7,375Protected cruiserS.20,862Tr.S.11 Texas6,315Second class battle-shipS.8,610T. S.8 Puritan6,060Double-turretS.3,700T. S.10 Olympia5,870Protected cruiserS.17,313T. S.14 Chicago5,000Protected cruiserS.9,000T. S.18 Second rate Buffalo6,888Cruiser (converted)S.3,600S.6 Dixie6,145Cruiser (converted)S.3,800S.10 Baltimore4,413Protected cruiserS.10,064T. S.10 Philadelphia4,324Protected cruiserS.1,815T. S.12 Newark4,098Protected cruiserS.8,869T. S.12 San Francisco4,098Protected cruiserS.9,913T. S.12 Monterey4,084Barbette cruiser, low free-board monitorS.5,244T. S.4 Miantonomo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New England. (search)
most liberal of the clergy were very chary of open opposition to these new theological rigors; but the body of the intelligent and educated laymen, among whom latitudinarian ideas were completely predominant, was as little disposed to go back to Puritan austerities as to Puritan theology. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts put a stop to the efforts of the zealous people who clamored for legislation in favor of a rigorous observance of the Sabbath, by deciding that an arrest on Sunday, for the Puritan theology. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts put a stop to the efforts of the zealous people who clamored for legislation in favor of a rigorous observance of the Sabbath, by deciding that an arrest on Sunday, for the violation of the Sunday law, was as much a violation of that law by the arresting officer as travelling on Sunday. Finally, the evangelical Congregationalists in Massachusetts, finding it impossible to dislodge the Latitudinarians, imbibed the spirit of the Baptists, Methodists, and other sects, and set up opposition conventicles under the very eaves of the old parish churches. Thus, when they could no longer control the old theological and ecclesiastical establishment in New England, they to
t do you know about the drill? says the cadet; and what can you do about my swearing? Sir, says the captain sternly, I know this, and you ought to know it,—swearing is forbidden by the army regulation; and, if you continue to break the rule, I'll order my men to march off the ground, and they'll obey me, and leave you to swear alone. The cadet took the rebuke, and swore no more at that company. There are many officers of this stamp; and then there is among the soldiers enough of the old Puritan leaven to lighten the lump. The stalwart man, every inch of whose six feet is of soldier stamp, was undoubtedly Captain Prescott, who commanded the Concord company in the Fifth Regiment, as the story is told of him in nearly the same words by Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his address, delivered a few months ago on the occasion of the dedication of the soldiers' monument, erected in Concord in honor of the soldiers of that town who fell in the war. On that monument is the name of George L. Pre