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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Notes of a Confederate staff-officer at Shiloh. (search)
orest. Riding slowly backward to the point at which I understood I should find General Beauregard, it was after sunset when I dismounted at the tent of a Federal officer, before which the general was standing with some of his staff and with an officer in the uniform of a Federal general, to whom I was introduced. It was General Prentiss. Several hours previously a telegraphic dispatch addressed by Colonel Helm to General Johnston (as well as I now remember, from the direction of Athens, in Tennessee) was brought me from Corinth by a courier, saying that scouts employed in observing General Buell's movements reported him to be marching not toward a junction with Grant, but in the direction of Decatur, North Alabama. This assuring dispatch I handed to General Beauregard, and then, at his order, I wrote a telegraphic report to the Confederate adjutant-general, Cooper, at Richmond, announcing the results of the day, including the death of Johnston. Meanwhile, it had become so da
on meetings were held at Cincinnati, Ohio, Russellville, Ky., and Nashville, Tenn., at which the action of the National Government was sustained, and pledges to perpetuate the authority of the Constitution were renewed.--A fight took place near Greenville, Miss., between the rebel forces under General Ferguson, and the Nationals, commanded by General Burbridge. In the action, Major Mudd, of the Twenty-second Illinois cavalry, was killed.--New York Tribune. A skirmish took place near Athens, Ky., between a party of National troops and a body of Morgan's guerrillas, who were making a raid through that State. In the fight, Dr. Theophilus Steele, a rebel, was severely wounded, and Charlton Morgan, a brother to the rebel General John H. Morgan, with others, was taken prisoner. The One Hundred and Thirty-third New York regiment, accompanied by a company of cavalry, went from Plaquemine to Rosedale, La., a distance of nearly thirty miles, to break up a rebel camp, supposed to be
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Cavalry operations in the West under Rosecrans and Sherman. (search)
to the command of the cavalry. Elliott dispatched Colonel Long's brigade to the relief of Knoxville, and during the months of Lieutenant-General N. B. Forrest, C. S. A. From a photograph. November and December, among the various dashes made at this season was one by Colonel Watkins, with 250 men, as far as Lafayette, Georgia. Also Colonel Long, with a small force, defeated General Wheeler at Calhoun, Tennessee, December 27th. During the winter the cavalry was principally at Athens, Tennessee, under General Elliott. On the 11th of February, 1864, General Sooy Smith started from Memphis with a mounted force of seven thousand men to cooperate with Sherman in eastern Mississippi. The expedition proved a failure, and returned to Memphis. [See foot-note, p. 247, and article, p. 416.] In March and April, 1864, Forrest advanced from Mississippi with a large force, and passed through western Tennessee to Paducah, Kentucky. Returning, he reached Fort Pillow on the morning o
es of artillery between Cumberland Ford and Barboursville. Two regiments are on the Cumberland River in Kentucky between Somerset and Burkesville. Generals Thomas and Schoepf with their commands have joined Buell. All the efforts of the enemy will, I think, be directed toward the Mississippi, and if any movement be made on East Tennessee, it will be from Nashville and the Cumberland River as a base, with a line of operations through Middle Tennessee, by Sparta to Kingston, or possibly Athens, Tenn. The barrenness of the country to the north and northwest and the difficulty of obtaining and transporting supplies will prevent operations from that direction. I will order a brigade to Kingston as soon as one can be organized; a battery should accompany it. A company has been formed here, if the guns and equipments can be obtained in Richmond. In conclusion let me once more refer to the character of the troops with which I will have to operate. The two Alabama regiments, the only w
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 15 (search)
well enough in time of war, but not suited to his new condition as an officer; but, poor fellow! he was killed by an accident, which probably saved him from a slower but harder fate. At Iuka I issued all the orders to McPherson and Hurlbut necessary for the Department of the Tennessee during my absence, and, further, ordered the collection of a force out of the Sixteenth Corps, of about eight thousand men, to be commanded by General G. M. Dodge, with orders to follow as far east as Athens, Tennessee, there to await instructions. We instantly discontinued all attempts to repair the Charleston Railroad; and the remaining three divisions of the Fifteenth Corps marched to Eastport, crossed the Tennessee River by the aid of the gunboats, a ferry-boat, and a couple of transports which had come up, and hurried eastward. In person I crossed on the 1st of November, and rode forward to Florence, where I overtook Ewing's division. The other divisions followed rapidly. On the road to Fl
d if he remained there until morning he would be lost. So he determined to run the gauntlet at once, and commenced to descend. As he neared the foot, leading his horse, he came almost in personal contact with a picket. His first impulse was to kill him, but finding him asleep, he determined to let him sleep on. He made his way to the house of a Union man that he knew lived near there, and went up and passed himself off as Captain Quartermaster of Hunt's regiment, who was on his way to Athens, Tenn., to procure supplies of sugar and coffee for the Union people of the country. The lady, who appeared to be asleep while this interview was taking place with her husband, at the mention of sugar and coffee, jumped out of bed in her night-clothes, and said: Thank God for that; for we an't seen any rale coffee up here for God knows how long! She was so delighted at the prospect, that she made up a fire and cooked them a good supper. Supper being over, the General remarked that he underst
ing the battle of Chickamauga. The reports of both officers would no doubt have been furnished but for the movements in the East Tennessee, and afterwards under General Wheeler in Middle Tennessee, which gave no time or opportunity to make them out. On the nineteenth ultimo I was ordered to establish my headquarters at Dalton, and my command was located and disposed of as follows: Colonel Hodges' brigade was sent on the Cleveland and Dalton road to meet the enemy — then reported at Athens, Tennessee, and advancing; Colonel Scott's brigade was ordered to Ringgold, Georgia, to watch the enemy on the road from Chattanooga to that point; General Pegram was left at or near Peavine church, and Brigadier-General Armstrong's division was located in front of General Cheatham's infantry division, on the Chattanooga and Lafayette road. I retained with me at Dalton about two hundred and forty men of General Morgan's command. The reports of General Pegram and Colonel Scott sufficiently det
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
e and six feet long. My comrades are Lieutenant James P. Arrington, A. D. C. of Forkland, Alabama; Captain M. Russell, Sixtieth Georgia infantry, Lafayette, Georgia; Captain J. G. Rankin, Thirty-eighth Georgia, Stone Mountain, Ga.; Lieutenant S. R. Murphy, Thirty-first Georgia, Hamilton, Georgia; Lieutenant Arthur Bryde, Fifth Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana; Lieutenant J. T. Bagby, Twenty-first Georgia, Troup county, Georgia; Adjutant W. B. L. Reagan, Sixteenth Tennessee battalion, Athens, Tennessee; Captain Junius B. Browne, Ninth Virginia cavalry, Gloucester Courthouse, Virginia. Lieutenant A------and myself selected the lowest bunk. The berths had each a tick, containing a scanty quantity of old straw, which no doubt had done service for years. Each one was also furnished with a dirty quilt or blanket, and vermin held high carnival among them. The dingy walls were festooned with cobwebs, and darkened by smoke from the very small coal grate in one end of the room. A bench a
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
of, 435, 436 Arnold (U. S. Marshal), in labor riots at Chicago, 498, 501 Articles of War, the 122d article, 151 Artillery, plan to increase the, 487 Artillery School, the, 459, 460 Astronomy, fascination of its study, 28, 29 Athens, Tenn., Stanley at, 319 Atlanta, Ga., incident in siege of, 142; advance on, movements before, siege and capture or, 143, 144, 146, 152 et seq., 163, 231, 247, 299, 303, 304, 310, 326, 341, 342; question of making a lodgment in, 147,148; S.'s opi, 279; Thomas's omission to give proper credit to, for Spring Hill and Franklin, 279; at Pulaski, 252; telegram from Thomas, Nov. 8, 1864, 284, 290; marches from Tullahoma to Pulaski, 288; ordered to tight Hood at Pulaski or Columbia, 290; at Athens, Tenn., 319 Stanton, Edwin M., Secretary of War, 57; orders S., to confiscated rebel property in Missouri, 57; his confiscation order repudiated by the President, 57, 58; rebukes Herron, 64; ignores S.'s request for instructions on the negro enli
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, John Tyler 1824- (search)
Morgan, John Tyler 1824- Statesman; born in Athens, Tenn., June 20, 1824; removed to Alabama when nine years of age; received an academic education; was admitted to the bar in 1845; and practised till the beginning of the Civil War, when he entered the Confederate Army as a private. Subsequently he raised the 5th Alabama Regiment, became its colonel, and was commissioned a brigadier-general in 1863. After the war he resumed practice at Selma, Ala. In 1876 he was elected to the United States Senate, and in 1882, 1888, 1894, and 1900 was re-elected. In 1892 President Harrison appointed him one of the American arbitrators in the Bering Sea Court of Arbitration, and in 1898, after the passage of the Hawaiian annexation bill, President McKinley appointed him one of the commissioners to prepare a system of government for the John Tyler Morgan. islands. For several years Senator Morgan has been especially conspicuous because of his forceful advocacy of the construction of an inte