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the rain and cold of a winter night to reach some place where it might be secure from assault. For several days the troops endured terrible hardships. The scanty supplies of a wasted country, hastily collected and issued without system, were insufficient for the subsistence of the army; and, though the commissary department made extraordinary efforts, many of the troops had nothing better than parched corn to sustain life. Crittenden marched his army through Monticello and Livingston to Gainsboro, and, finally, by General Johnston's orders, took position at Chestnut Mound, where he was in reach of relief from Nashville. During his retreat his army became much demoralized, and two regiments, whose homes were in that neighborhood, almost entirely abandoned their organization, and went every man to his own house. A multitude deserted, and the tide of fugitives filled the country with dismay. The battle fought at Logan's Cross Roads, also called the battle of Fishing Creek, or of
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., East Tennessee and the campaign of Perryville. (search)
ere accordingly given on the 30th of August for concentrating at Murfreesboro' on the 5th of September. Thomas, at McMinnville, was to march on the 2d, and other commands according to their position. To the last Thomas had no definite information of the approach of the enemy. It turned out that Bragg crossed at Chattanooga on the 28th of August, entered Sparta on the 3d of September, and made his way to Glasgow, where he arrived on the 14th, having crossed the Cumberland at Carthage and Gainsboro‘. Something of these movements, though not of the entire force, was learned on the 6th, and that Bowling Green was threatened. Two divisions were, therefore, moved across the river at Nashville on the 7th,--one to go to the protection of Bowling Green, where there was a small garrison with some stores, and the other to Gallatin, to gain information of the movements of the enemy in the valley. At the same time preparation was made to act with the remaining force as circumstances might r
had appeared, the quitting of this portion of Kentucky had been gravely considered and almost determined upon, and in a few days would have been compelled. It was impossible to move further into Kentucky, from the barrenness of the mountains between that point and the Blue Grass; and all the counties on the left and right, and the northern counties of East-Tennessee, were too poor to support the army one day. With a vastly superior force attacking, the movement to the Cumberland River, at Gainsboro, a point of supply, was precipitated, and to this Gen. Crittenden is moving with short days' marches. From this point, if the enemy should advance into East-Tennessee, an attack could be made on his flank and rear, while passing through the hilly and barren region of Kentucky, towards Knoxville and the railroad. I have thus briefly sketched our army movements for the last few days. Victory does not gleam upon our banners, and we may not receive the loud plaudits which it brings, but i
The Rebel Retreat from Mill Spring.--In the course of a eulogistic notice of Capt. C. C. Spiller, the Republican Banner gives the following particulars of the rebel retreat from Mill Spring: The Noble Ellis was at Gainsboro; three ineffectual attempts had been made to take her up the river, to where our army was. Finally Captain Spiller was ordered to bring the boat; it was executed. Before the fight, he asked permission to lead his company, but General Zollicoffer ordered him to remain at the river, in charge of operations there. The battle was fought, and our army driven back to the river, where a successful and skilful crossing alone could have saved it from utter ruin. Spiller was the man for the post — the world could not have furnished a better. The crossing began at three o'clock P. M. One of the enemy's batteries opened on the boat, and the fire was incessant until dark. The steamer was run all night. At four o'clock in the morning, when two thousand five hundr
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
a Federal officer. This had a dispiriting effect on the Confederate forces, and although they behaved with gallantry for several hours against a greatly superior force, they finally retreated to their camp on the Cumberland pursued by the enemy, but not attacked after reaching Beech Grove. During the night General Crittenden crossed his army to the south side, but with the loss of his artillery, wagons and animals, stores, ammunition, etc. He retreated in a demoralized condition to Gainesboro, Tenn., eighty miles lower down on the Cumberland. In his report (Rebellion Records, Vol. VII, page 205), he states his loss at 126 killed, 309 wounded and 95 missing, and estimates the Federal loss at 700, while General Thomas in his report estimates the Confederate force at 12,000, and states his own loss at 39 killed and 207 wounded. Under all the circumstances the death of General Zollicoffer and the disaster of Fishing Creek came as a severe blow to the Confederates. It greatly che
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 11: (search)
wing to a severe drouth ill supplied with water. To these objections was added the urgent desire of the Tennesseeans, whose governor and leading men accompanied him, that he would secure possession of Nashville by a direct advance upon that place or by maneuvering Buell out of it. Adopting the latter plan he moved from Sparta on the 7th, by the very route indicated in his letter to General Breckinridge August 27th, in the direction of Glasgow, Ky., his right wing crossing the Tennessee at Gainesboro and the left wing at Carthage; and marching upon converging lines, arrived at Glasgow with the former on the 12th and the latter on the 13th. General Bragg remained at Glasgow until the afternoon of the 15th to rest his troops and replenish subsistence and forage supply, as he had started from Chattanooga with but ten days rations, which had been depleted before leaving Sparta. He had on his arrival at Glasgow occupied Cave City with the brigades of Generals J. R. Chalmers and J. K. Du
hmond and the surrender of Lee's army he had charge for a while of the Confederate archives. After the long agony of war had ended he returned to his native State. In 1870 he served in the Tennessee constitutional convention. He was twice elected to Congress, and served from 1875 to 1879. At Sparta, Tenn., in September, 1883, General Dibrell's old cavalry command organized a brotherhood, officered with members of his old regiment, the Eighth Tennessee. At their second meeting, held at Gainesboro in 1884, the following commands were added to the organization: The Eighth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-fifth Tennessee infantry and Colms' battalion, Hamilton's, Bledsoe's and Bennett's battalions of cavalry. General Dibrell commanded this reunion brigade up to his death in 1886, and never failed to attend its meetings. Major-General Daniel S. Donelson Major-General Daniel S. Donelson was born in Tennessee in 1802. He entered the United States mi
advance at any moment, I accept the commission now tendered. I desire, however, at the same time, respectfully to state that I shall ask leave to resign it as soon as so nothing decisive shall take place, or we shall go into winter quarters. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, M. L. Bonnam, Brig. Gen., 1st Brigade, 1st Corps. Army of the Potomac. General Crittenden's position. The Knoxville Register, says that General Crittenden now has his headquarters at Gainesboro', on the Cumberland river From a member of Gen. Carroll's brigade, who left there on Tuesday night last, we learn that the force there is perfectly organized, the camp in good order, and in the receipt of ample supplies. The enemy have not crossed the river at Mill Springs, with the exception of small parties of skirmishers. They seem to be deterred by a well founded dread of a flank movement by our forces. Southern arms. The Fayetteville (N. C.) Armory is turning out some highl
Major-General Crittenden. --Shortly after the battle at Fishing Creek, a number of gentlemen from Mississippi held a meeting in the camp of the 15th Mississippi regiment, at Gainesboro', and performed an act of justice to Major-General Crittenden, by adopting the following resolution: Whereas, we, the citizens of Mississippi, now in the camp of our army at Gainesboro, on a visit to our friends and relatives of the 15th Mississippi regiment, had heard before our arrival at this place Gainesboro, on a visit to our friends and relatives of the 15th Mississippi regiment, had heard before our arrival at this place the many rumors with which the country and the press are now filled, all tending to the infinite discredit of Major-General Crittenden; and from the effect of which we like the rest of the country, were shocked and excited; and, whereas, we have found, to our great satisfaction, that these rumors obtain no credit in the army, and least of all in the 15th Mississippi regiment; but that on the contrary that regiment recognized a successful military movement in the extrication of the army under Gen
he left side of the head, and producing instant-death. Dr. Peters picked up the statement Van-Dorn had prepared, and has preserved it as circumstantial evidence of preceding events, and, mounting his horse, rode off. Avoiding the pickets at Hurt's, he crossed Duck river and arrived at Shelbyville, when he learned that General Polk, to whom he had intended surrendering himself, had issued an order for his arrest. The next morning he left for Winchester, disguised, and, passing through Gainesboro and Gallatin, arrived at this place Monday evening. Dr. Peters says it is not true that he detected Van-Dorn in a criminal act with his wife. He refuses to reveal the history of the thirty hours previous to the tragedy, and will only do so in a court of justice, in the justification of the course he felt it his duty to pursue. Dr. Peters was for a number of years a distinguished practitioner of medicine in West Tennessee, and was a member of the Senate of this State one or two s