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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
ilitia with vain parleys. At last, in the morning of July 13th, he reaches at Harrison the Ohio State line. He has left Louisville behind him, and approaches Cincin to escape another time. Hobson on the evening of the 13th, having arrived at Harrison, continues the pursuit by land, but he must gain eighteen hours before he can t ridge. Hazen's brigade of Palmer's division advances up to a point opposite Harrison on the Tennessee River; Wagner's brigade, detached from Wood's command, will fragg's attention is attracted higher up by Hazen, who, in front of the town of Harrison, has made a feint to force the crossing of the Tennessee, and also by the newsty's cavalry, which Pegram on the 8th had prevented from crossing the river at Harrison, reached that town on the ensuing day, as did also Hazen's brigade. The TwentCleve's division, which is captured almost bodily by Davidson's brigade on the Harrison road. Finally, McLaws comes up with Kershaw's and Wofford's brigades, and r