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id upon the table. Mr. Johnson, of Richmond city, said he would not have participated in this debate, but for the extraordinary remark of the gentleman from Harrison, (Mr. Wison,) that there were as many abolitionists in the city of Richmond as in the whole Northwestern portion of the State. Mr. Wilson corrected the membnion, having no personal knowledge of the fact. Mr. Johnson said he hoped there were none, either there or here. He would, however, caution his friend from Harrison to seek for his information in a field beyond the calumnies circulated in the newspapers of Richmond. He repelled the statement that there was any abolitionism among the people whom he represented: One thing was certain — that, upon the poll-books of the section represented by the gentleman from Harrison were recorded votes for Abraham Lincoln, while the poll-books of Richmond exhibited no such record. He thought it a condescension in the Convention to be indulging in crimination