Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Harrison, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) or search for Harrison, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1863., [Electronic resource], The advance of Rosecrans — a battle Imminent — Burnside advancing on Knoxville. (search)
if let alone, have the bridge ready for cars to pass over in a week or two. We further learn that the Yanks made an attempt on Monday to cross the river at Harrison, above Chattanooga some 20 miles, but were repulsed after a brisk fight of several hours. Their object, no doubt, is to strike the State road at Chickamauga and Ringgold, as well as flank Bragg on his right by crossing at Harrison, and to come on his left flank by their forces from Bridgeport. From their having been repulsed at Harrison and not repulsed at Bridgeport, it would seem to be Bragg's plan to allow them to cross at the latter place and give them battle when they come away froHarrison and not repulsed at Bridgeport, it would seem to be Bragg's plan to allow them to cross at the latter place and give them battle when they come away from the river, but to prevent their crossing above. We feel confident that a great battle will come off near Chattanooga in a few days, and we feel confident of a great victory. We will not give our reasons for this letter just now, further than the confidence which everybody has in the invincibility of our men in Bragg's arm