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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
May 23 The reports from Mississippi have not been confirmed by official dispatches, and it is understood that the President remarked yesterday, at dinner, that he was satisfied with the condition of affairs in that State. If this be so, Vicksburg must not only be still in our possession, but likely to be held by us at the end of this campaign. The President, I know, feels a peculiar interest in that State, and I learn by a letter from Tennessee, that on the 9th inst. troops left McMinnville for the rescue of Vicksburg — a Texas brigade. Cavalry continue to pass through this city from the south, while infantry are passing to the south. These movements will puzzle the spies, who are daily, and without difficulty, obtaining passports to leave the Confederate States. We have Northern papers to-day, containing Gen. Hooker's grandiloquent address to his army, a few days. after his flight. I preserve it here for the inspection of the future generation, and to deter other
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
the Montgomery and Macon roads, to draw the enemy from his fortifications. In this he succeeded, and after defeating the enemy near Rough and Ready, Jonesborough, and Lovejoy's, forcing him to retreat to the south, on the 2d of September occupied Atlanta, the objective point of his campaign. About the time of this move the rebel cavalry, under Wheeler, attempted to cut his communications in the rear, but was repulsed at Dalton and driven into East Tennessee, whehce it proceeded west to McMinnville, Murfreesborough, and Franklin, and was finally driven south of the Tennessee. The damage done by this raid was repaired in a few days. During the partial investment of Atlanta, General Rousseau joined General Sherman with a force of cavalry from Decatur, having made a successful raid upon the Atlanta and Montgomery Railroad and its branches near Opelika. Cavalry raids were also made by Generals McCook, Garrard, and Stoneman to cut the remaining railroad communication with Atlanta. Th
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 5 (search)
s operations to our rear, further than that he broke the road about Calhoun and then made his appearance at Dalton, where Colonel Laiboldt held him in check until General Steedman arrived from Chattanooga and drove him off. He then passed up into East Tennessee and made quite a stay at Athens, but on the first show of pursuit he kept on north across the Little Tennessee, and crossing the Holston near Strawberry Plains, reached the Clinch near Clinton, and passed over toward Sequatchie and McMinnville. Thence he seems to have gone to Murfreesborough and Lebanon, and across to Franklin. He may have committed damage to the property of citizens, but has injured us but little, the railroads being repaired about as fast as he broke them. From Franklin he has been pursued toward Florence and out of the State by Generals Rousseau, Steedman, and Granger, but what amount of execution they have done to him has not been reported. Our roads and telegraph are all repaired, and the cars run w
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 157 (search)
m Colonel Walker, commanding brigade, I have the honor to report the movements of the Twenty-third Missouri Infantry Volunteers since joining the brigade. I reported with seven companies of my regiment (three companies having been left at McMinnville, Tenn., to garrison that post) to Brigadier-General Turchin, commanding First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, near Vining's Station, Ga., on the 10th day of July, 1864, and encamped on the north side of the Chattahoochee River. Onach Tree Creek under a heavy fire from the rebel skirmishers and threw up earth-works. On the 20th moved forward again to obtain a more suitable position on the right of the brigade. On the 26th three companies of my regiment arrived from McMinnville, Tenn. On the 28th were ordered to advance the skirmish lines, which was done under a heavy, enfilading fire. On the 7th of August Companies D and E and a portion of F, on the skirmish line, were ordered to advance. A severe engagement ensued wi
d the record of his prior performances collaterally sustains the visible evidence then existing. In my opinion, then, based on a clear recollection of various occurrences growing out of our intimacy, he conceived the plan of the Tullahoma campaign and the one succeeding it; and is therefore entitled to every credit that attended their execution, no matter what may be claimed for others. On the 23d of June Bragg was covering his position north of Duck River with a front extending from McMinnville, where his cavalry rested, through Wartrace and Shelbyville to Columbia, his depot being at Tullahoma. Rosecrans, thinking that Bragg would offer strong resistance at Shelbyville — which was somewhat protected by a spur of low mountains or hills, offshoots of the Cumberland Mountains-decided to turn that place; consequently, he directed the mass of the Union army on the enemy's right flank, about Manchester. On the 26th of June McCook's corps advanced toward Liberty Gap, my division
town. In the action Major Emery Foster, in command, and Capt. Foster, his brother, were wounded, one private was killed, one mortally wounded, since dead, and nine non-commissioned officers and privates were wounded. The rebels sustained a loss of nine men killed and seventeen wounded, and twenty of them lost their horses, which fell into the hands of Foster's men.--Chicago Journal, March 29. This night a band of from five to eight hundred rebels attacked four companies of State militia, at Humonsville, Polk County, Mo. They were completely defeated, with a loss of fifteen killed and a large number wounded. The National loss was none killed, but a number wounded. Among the latter were Captains Stockton and Cosgrove, severely. A slight skirmish took place this evening, at McMinnville, Tenn., between a party of Ohio cavalry under the command of Capt. Hastings, and a body of rebels under Capts. McHenry and Bledsloe, in which the latter were compelled to retreat.--(Doc. 109.)
4. On the twenty-seventh June last, the rebel Governor, Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation, calling upon the State for a force of ten thousand men, to be commanded by Gen. John B. Floyd, to be employed in the defence of West-Virginia; but the men not being forthcoming, the Governor issued another proclamation under this date, emphatically calling upon all officers of the State, civil and military, to give the necessary aid to expedite the raising of the required troops, and to contribute whatever might be proper to render them effective. A fight took place in the vicinity of McMinnville, Tenn., between a body of Union troops, under the command of Col. Fyffe, Twenty-sixth Ohio, and a superior force of rebel cavalry, under General Forrest, resulting in a rout of the latter, with considerable loss.--(Doc. 196.) The battle at Bull Run, Va., was renewed this day, and General Pope, after a desperate engagement, was compelled to retreat to Centreville, Va.--(Doc. 104.)
, the guerrillas proceeded to the house of Obadiah Smith, a Baptist minister in Cedar County, and on his attempting to escape they shot him.--St. Louis Democrat. The cargo of the steamer Wave (destroyed by the rebels to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Unionists) was this day captured in the vicinity of Bayou Cocodue, La., by an expeditionary force under the command of General Dwight.--(Doc. 171.) A portion of General Reynolds's national forces entered and occupied McMinnville, Tenn.--Major McGee, of the Third Virginia cavalry with sections of Rowan's, Utt's, and White's cavalry, encountered a force of three hundred rebels at a point near Strasburgh, Va., and after a brief and brilliant fight drove them from their position. One man of Rowan's company was killed, and another wounded. The rebel loss was five killed, and nine wounded, beside twenty-five prisoners and forty horses. Six gunboats and twelve barges succeeded in passing the rebel batteries at Vi
May 26. Colonel J. T. Wilder, with his regiment of mounted infantry, returned to Murfreesboro, Tenn., from a scout in the direction of McMinnville, in search of the rebel cavalry under the command of Colonel Breckinridge. He encountered the rebel pickets a short distance from Woodbury, and commenced an attack, which attracted the rebels in the vicinity, and they having collected, a running fight was kept up for several miles. Twelve miles west of McMinnville, the Union forces came on the camp of the rebels under Breckinridge, and after a short fight, routed them and captured nine prisoners, several horses and thirty head of cattle. Having secured the prisoners and burned the tents and baggage left by the rebel cavalry, the Nationals pushed forward, driving the enemy till within seven miles of McMinnville, when the pursuit was abandoned. On the return to Murfreesboro, the Nationals scouted the country on both flanks, and succeeded in capturing a number of rebel soldiers who
ood of the junction of the Amite and Comite Rivers, La., and safely conducted them into Baton Rouge. Among the prisoners were Colonel Hunter (Ten-Mile Bob) and Captain Penny, the leaders in the raids and attacks on the river steamboats in that vicinity.--Fort Sumter, S. C., was bombarded by the National batteries on Morris Island.--Mr.----Spence, of London, England, ceased to be the financial agent of the rebel government.--Richmond Dispatch, Sept. 29. An engagement took place at McMinnville, Tenn., in which the rebels were repulsed with a loss of a large number of prisoners.--the rebel steamer Herald was captured by the gunboat Kearny, and carried into Key West, Fla.--Major-General Grant, from his headquarters at Vicksburgh, issued Special Orders authorizing the issuing of rations to such families only, as should take an oath to support the Government of the United States, and to withdraw all support and countenance from the so-called confederate government. --the entire cotton