Browsing named entities in James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) or search for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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s and a division of Lee's corps, marched to Spring Hill. Cheatham was in front, and in his officnd place his corps across the pike north of Spring Hill. By this hour, however, twilight was upon e seen. Instead of advancing directly upon Spring Hill, his forward movement was a little south ofunder command of Gen. J. B. Hood, halted at Spring Hill on its march from Columbia to Nashville, GeGeneral Hood that on reaching the camp near Spring Hill he found himself within the Federal lines;eneral Cheatham to make the night attack at Spring Hill, and censured him in severe terms for his dwas ordered to form line of battle and take Spring Hill. Gist's brigade and the detachment from Stiscovered a line of the enemy thrown out of Spring Hill, across and threatening my right flank, andt with inevitable disaster if I advanced on Spring Hill. A hasty consultation with my brigade comm general at the management of the affair at Spring Hill was suggested by the receipt of the followi[18 more...]
destroy the railroad and bridges, but the evening of the 11th found him down the river with a demoralized command, 100 or more miles distant, at Johnsonville, doubtless listening to the echo of Walton's guns. The fruits of the expedition to north Alabama and Tennessee were 3,360 of the enemy, white and black, killed and captured—one to each man of Forrest's command—7 field guns, 800 horses, 50 wagons loaded with medical and other stores, the destruction of the railroad from Decatur to Spring Hill, the withdrawal of reinforcements from the army in the field, the destruction of numerous posts, and the relief of our people from the presence and oppression of the petty commanders of the captured garrisons. On the 16th of October, Forrest's command moved into west Tennessee, and in a few days Buford instituted a blockade of the Tennessee river. Fort Heiman and Paris landing were objective points which now had Forrest's attention. On October 29th, with Chalmers' division, he rea
m his front; at Dallas vigorously assailed Logan's intrenched Fifteenth Federal corps with his single division; on July 22d led the flank movement under Hardee which brought on the famous battle of Atlanta. In the ill-fated campaign under General Hood, which brought General Bate and his men back to their native State, but with circumstances of suffering and disaster, he led his division, now including Jackson's brigade, from Florence, Ala., November 21st; marched with Cheatham's corps to Spring Hill, where he was in readiness for orders to attack; fought heroically at Franklin, in the desperate assault many of his men gaining the interior works and remaining there until the Federal retreat; and after attacking Murfreesboro in co-operation with Forrest, marched his men, a fourth of them barefooted, over the icy roads to Nashville, where upon arrival he encountered stragglers already in rapid retreat, indicating the disaster that was impending. Even under such circumstances his troop