Browsing named entities in Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler. You can also browse the collection for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) or search for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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hot by Carey, 1026. Hicks, Governor, of Maryland, correspondence with, 194; interview with, 195; correspondence with, 208, 211. Hildreth, Dr., Israel, father-in-law of Benj. F. Butler, 78. Hill, Col. D. H., commanding Confederate forces at Big Bethel, 267; reference to, 646; as General, reference to, 691. Hill, Hon., Isaac, of New Hampshire, 57. Hinks, Gen. E. W., march from Baltimore to Washington, 200, 202; embarks at Fortress Monroe, 640; seizes City Point, 640; occupies Spring Hill, 642; ordered to move against Petersburg, 645; order countermanded, 648; cautioned against surprise at Fort Powhatan, 670; Butler confers with, 672; reference to, 690; statement of, 692; letter contradicting Smith's statements, 701; division of colored troops, 896. Hitchcock, General, commissioner of exchange, 589. Hoar, Hon., Ebenezer Rockwood, Butler's opponent in the Lowell district, 925; defeated, 926; reference to, 976. Hoffman House, N. Y., Butler's headquarters at, 756.