Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) or search for Spring Hill (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.

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feet, and the succeeding day was spent in corduroying the bottoms and throwing a bridge across the river for the passage of Thayer's command, which had come up and now joined the main army. On Sunday, the tenth, a bright and beautiful day, the army moved on to Prairie E'Ann, where, it was understood, Price had determined to make a final and desperate stand. At a point on the prairie two branches make off from the direct road. The right hand goes to Washington, the direct road goes to Spring Hill, which is on the direct route to Shreveport, and the left leads to Camden. This point was covered by the enemy, who did not know which road General Steele proposed to take. An artillery fight took place, the enemy having two or three batteries, which ceased at nightfall. After dark, the enemy, having discovered the position of our artillery during the day, made a desperate effort to capture the guns, but were repulsed with severe loss, and retreated to the earth and timber-works over a