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al McCulloch, who commanded a division of Van Dorn's army. After Mc-Culloch fell he was promoted inspector-general on the staff of Maj.-Gen. Earl Van Dorn, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He served in this capacity from July, 1862, until October, when he was made inspector-general of the army of East Tennessee. While with the western armies he participated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., Farmington and Corinth, Miss., the first defense of Vicksburg from siege, Baton Rouge, La., Spring Hill and Thompson Station, Tenn. On February 8, 1863, he was promoted colonel and called to the eastern campaigns. As colonel of the Eleventh Virginia cavalry, in W. E. Jones' brigade, he participated in the raid in West Virginia, and the subsequent Pennsylvania campaign, including the battles of Brandy Station, Winchester, Rector's Cross-roads, Upperville, Gettysburg and Buckland. On July 23, 1863, he was promoted brigadier-general and assigned to the command of a brigade of cavalry organiz