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which would have been sent to Sherman. Gen. John B. Magruder, now in command of the district of Arkansas, kept Steele at Little Rock, in constant apprehension of a movement against that city. General Smith at one time in November seriously contemplated such a movement, and Churchill's, Polignac's, Forney's and M. M. Parsons' divisions were assembled in the vicinity of Camden. Parsons' Texas cavalry was extended from Monticello, Drew county, to Gaines' landing; Wharton's cavalry from Spring Hill to Shreveport; Logan's (Eleventh) Arkansas, mounted, was scouting up through Clark and Saline counties, Hill and Burk north of the Arkansas. November 18th, Churchill's division had moved to Louisville, in La Fayette county, on Red river—Camp Lee. From Price's headquarters, November 30th, General Clark in command of Marmaduke's division, and General Thompson in command of Shelby's, were ordered to Laynesport; and Gurley's Texas cavalry in that direction to cooperate with General Maxey.