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al Price, in his report of the battle of Iuka, Miss., fought September 19th, said that Whitfield's legion won, under its gallant leader, a reputation for dashing boldness and steady courage which placed them side by side with the bravest and the best, and noted with regret that Colonel Whitfield was painfully wounded. At the close of the year Colonel Whitfield, having recovered, was at Yazoo City with his cavalry command. He participated in the successful cavalry battle of Van Dorn near Spring Hill, on March 5, 1863, and received the thanks of General Van Dorn for the skill and valor with which he performed his part in the action. On the 9th of May, 1863, Colonel Whitfield received the commission of brigadier-general, his command consisting of his own battalion and the Third, Sixth and Ninth Texas cavalry. Operating in Mississippi, under Gen. J. E. Johnston, on July 4, 1863, the very day that Vicksburg surrendered, General Whitfield encountered a party of 500 Federals. He attacke