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ucky. Another narrative. camp Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, Triune, June 7, 1863. Major-General Gordon Granger having been ordered n of the right wing, of the army of the Cumberland from Franklin to Triune, we marched there on June third, leaving a small force at Franklin ng of the rebels and the replies of the heavy fortification guns at Triune at three P. M. Signals having been passed here at half-past 3, Genevalry, having his heaviest forces on the left, between Franklin and Triune. After a severe march of fourteen miles over a very rocky and partm the attack of the forts when they heard the cavalry firing on the Triune road. The town of Franklin, lying in direct range between the foanger ordered a brigade of infantry and a battery of artillery from Triune to Franklin. Marching through the storm and darkness, they arrivedM. and the dropping shots ceased. The troops that had marched from Triune to the relief of Franklin returned to camp here on the sixth. Th
ant, Major Dunlap. They were dressed in our uniform, and had horses with the equipments complete of a colonel and major. They represented their duty to be the inspection of the outposts of this army, and said they had come from Murfreesboro via Triune, and were in haste to reach Nashville. Conversation became quite free, and their language grew somewhat suspicious, so much so, that Colonel Watkins, commanding the cavalry, began to doubt the truth of their statements, and communicated his doube opinion that they are spies, who have either forged or captured these orders. They can give no consistent account of their conduct. I want you to answer immediately my last despatch. It takes so long to get an answer from General Granger, at Triune, by signal, that I telegraphed General Robert Granger, at Nashville, for information. I also signalled General Gordon Granger. If these men are spies, it seems to me important that I should know it, because Forrest must be waiting their progres
Doc. 115.-the pursuit of Bragg. Captain Church's official report. headquarters Fourth Michigan battery, camp Winford, Tenn., July 15, 1863. Lieutenant A. J. Davis, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General First Brigade, Third Division, Fourteenth Army Corps: Lieutenant: In compliance with orders from brigade headquarters, I have the honor to submit the following report: We marched from Triune, Tennessee, at twelve o'clock M., on the twenty-third of June, 1863; marched eight miles toward Salem, Tenn., and bivouacked by the side of the road. June 24.--Commenced the march again at six o'clock A. M., and arrived at Salem at noon, where we remained one hour, when we were ordered forward. Crossed the Shelbyville Pike at seven P. M., and encamped one mile south of Christiana Station, which is on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. June 25.--Marched from camp at seven o'clock A. M., and arrived at Hoover's Gap at twelve o'clock, noon, where we encamped for the night.
he main body of the army, as this point must be reached over a single practicable road passing through Hoover's Gap, a narrow way three miles in length, between high hills, and then through Matt's Hollow, a gorge two miles long, with scarce room anywhere for wagons to pass each other. These passes were occupied by the enemy, but eight miles from Hardee's headquarters, not more than sixteen miles from their left at Shelbyville. The plan was, therefore, to move General Granger's command to Triune, and thus create the impression of our intention to advance on them by the Shelbyville and Triune pikes, while cavalry movements and an infantry advance toward Woodbury would seem to be feints designed by us to deceive Bragg, and conceal our supposed real designs on their left when the topography and the roads presented comparatively slight obstacles and afforded great facilities for moving in force. Events proved that this had the desired effect; and accordingly Bragg called forward Buck