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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
visions (fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-three men), along the Nolensville pike, toward Triune; Thomas, with two divisions (thirteen thousand three hundred and ninety-five men), by the Frankled that McCook, with Thomas's two divisions at Nolensville as a support, should attack Hardee at Triune, and if the latter should be beaten or should retreat, and the Confederates should meet the Natihville at noon, arrived at McCook's Headquarters. Hardee was reported to be in heavy force at Triune, seven miles in front of McCook, and there it was expected he would give battle the next morningavalry, to dispute the crossing of Wilson's Creek. These were soon driven, and McCook rested at Triune that night. Dec. 27, 1862. Crittenden, in the mean time, had driven the Confederates out of Lavss Roads, on his way to Murfreesboroa. On the following morning Dec. 29. McCook pushed on from Triune to Wilkinson's Cross Roads, six miles from Murfreesboroa, with an advanced brigade at Overall's