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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
tion of McMinnville. The latter was to march much later than the other two, with Turchin's brigade of cavalry, while the remainder of Stanley's horsemen were thrown out on the right. General Gordon Granger's reserve corps, which had advanced to Triune, now moved forward in support of the corps of McCook and Thomas. Rosecrans's plans were quickly and successfully executed. McCook moved early in the morning June 24. toward Shelbyville, with Sheridan's division in advance, preceded by one ha captured, and the Gap was seized and held, against attempts to repossess it. While Rosecrans was securing these important mountain passes, other operations in accordance with his plan were equally successful. General Granger had started from Triune, on the extreme right, on the afternoon of the 23d, June, 1863. and sweeping rapidly on, encountering and pushing back the Confederates in several places, reached Christiana, on the road between Murfreesboroa and Shelbyville, without much troubl