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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.46 (search)
ls are situated. It was early in July, 1863, that the Army of Tennessee, under command of General Braxton Bragg, was withdrawn to the south side of the Tennessee river, and concentrated at Chattanooga, where necessary changes in the organization took place. Forest had been assigned to the command of a division of cavalry and ordered to East Tennessee to keep watchful observation of the enemy in that direction. The Federals at that time were in strong force at McMinnville, Franklin and Triune. General Rosecrans, who commanded the Federal army, had several times decided on a forward movement, it transpires, but the audacious work of Forrest kept him in doubt, and he therefore did not undertake to cross the Tennessee until about August 27th. On the last of the month two divisions of McCook's Corps and one of Thomas' Corps made the passage at Caperton's Ferry, and began to march without delay over Sand mountain. On the 4th of September the remaining divisions of McCook and