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the Shelbyville and Nolinsville pike, between Triune and Eaglesville, with an advance-guard at Nolie divisions, to advance by Nolinsville pike to Triune. Thomas, with two divisions, (Negley's and Roat Nolinsville, McCook was to attack Hardee at Triune, and if the enemy reenforced Hardee, Thomas wato delay his movement until McCook had reached Triune and developed the intentions of the enemy at tch Thomas was to support. McCook arrived at Triune, and reported that Hardee had retreated, and tad gone to Murfreesboro, when they returned to Triune. On Monday morning McCook was ordered to move from Triune to Wilkinson's Cross-Roads, six miles from Murfreesboro, leaving a brigade at Triune.while the third brigade which had been left at Triune, moved forward from that place, and arrived ate driven by the advance) through Nolinsville. Triune, and along the Murfreesboro and Franklin road,ay, till we reached a point one mile south of Triune. We traversed in line of battle, this day, so[3 more...]
l Commanding. Gen. S. Cooper, Adjutant-General, Richmond, Va. Chattanooga daily rebel account. Murfreesboro, January 2, 1863. In the mad whirl of Wednesday's battle, yesterday's intense expectancy, and to-day's uncertainty, a great deal was heard, felt, said, believed, hoped. I will tell you how it happened. The Yankees came out from Nashville a week ago yesterday, with baggage marked to Bridgeport and Chattanooga. A column confronted General Hardee's corps d'armee, say at Triune — another General Polk's advance at La Vergne. Heavy skirmishing Friday and Saturday last week, on both lines. Result found, on Sunday morning, a confederate battle-line, say six miles long, three to four miles in front of Murfreesboro, Yankees at Stewart's Creek, ten miles from there advancing upon Bridgeport and Chattanooga. That day and Monday we intrenched and got otherwise ready. Yankees approached slowly, getting ready too. They say fifty thousand strong — we ragged rebels, about t
nce from Murfreesboro. On the evening of the twenty-eighth my brigade struck their tents and retired their baggage-trains to the rear, and on the morning of the twenty-ninth they were placed in line of battle. As the brigades composing the division of Major-Gen. Withers had not been engaged in any heavy battle since Shiloh, I placed them in the first line. They extended from the river, near the intersection of the Nashville turnpike and railroad, southward across the Wilkinson pike to Triune or Franklin road, in a line irregular, but adapted to the topography. The division of Major-General Cheatham was posted in the rear of that of Major-Gen. Withers, as a supporting force. The division of Major-General McCown, of Lieut.-Gen. Kirby Smith's army corps, was in prolongation of that of Major-Gen. Withers on the left, having that of Major-Gen. Cleburne, of Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's corps, as its supporting force. Major-Gen. Breckinridge's division of Lieut.-Gen. Hardee's corps occupi
erbal orders to move forward in the morning to Triune, seven miles distant, and attack Hardee's corpg the enemy's cavalry before us. On nearing Triune, we found that the main portion of the forces ar Murfreesboro, I ordered the brigade left at Triune to join the command without delay, which it dicember twenty-eighth), the command remained in Triune. A reconnoissance, to ascertain the directionfreesboro, I was ordered to leave a brigade at Triune, and. on the twenty-ninth to march on Murfreesonel P. P. Baldwin, Third brigade, was left at Triune. The command arrived at Wilkinson's Cross-roa against the enemy's forces in the vicinity of Triune and Murfreesboro: On the morning of the twe road with the Nolensville pike, one mile from Triune, where it remained in bivouac until the mornind General Johnson's division in its advance on Triune, where the enemy were supposed to be in considl Davis's division, which had the advance from Triune on Murfreesboro, encamping that night at Wilki[4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Van Dorn's operations between Columbia and Nashville in 1863. (search)
ive cavalry and artillery; and I can no doubt give you with tolerable accuracy the main features of the transactions to which you refer. General Van Dorn arrived at Columbia early in February, 1863, and shortly thereafter (perhaps in March) took up his headquarters at Spring Hill, protecting the left of General Bragg's army, and operating against the Federal line of communication so effectively as to confine the enemy closely to their fortified positions at Nashville, Brentwood, Franklin, Triune and other points. Vexed at. Van Dorn's frequent attacks and constantly increasing proximity to their lines, the enemy repeatedly moved out in force from their strongholds, but could never be coaxed far enough from them to justify any vigorous attack till some time in May, when General Coburn came out of Franklin with about 5,000 men, and was enticed to a point near Thompson station, where, after a sharp engagement, he surrendered in time to prevent a simultaneous attack in front and rear-Fo
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Chapter IV (search)
ld and did promptly respond to my request, and ordered me to Tennessee, where I could be associated with soldiers who were capable of appreciating soldierly qualities. One of the happiest days of my life was when I reported to Rosecrans and Thomas at Murfreesboroa, received their cordial welcome, and was assigned to the command of Thomas's own old division of the Fourteenth Corps. One of the most agreeable parts of my whole military service was the thirty days in command of that division at Triune, and some of my strongest and most valued army attachments were formed there. But that happy period of soldier life was brief. Early in May President Lincoln reappointed me major-general, with original date, November 29, 1862, and ordered me back to the old scene of unsoldierly strife and turmoil in Missouri and Kansas. In 1861 and 1862 I had a Hibernian striker who had been a soldier in the old mounted rifles, and had been discharged on account of a wound received in an Indian fight
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
; attitude toward Curtis, 65, 66; temporary humiliation for, 66; relations with Halleck, 66, 68, 111, 360, 361; ordered to Tennessee, 66 (see also Tennessee); reports to Rosecrans at Murfreesboroa, 66; commands division of the Fourteenth Corps at Triune, 16; reappointed major-general by the President, 66; ordered back to Missouri and Kansas, 66; his Irish soldier-servant 6, 66, 67; reduced from major-general to brigadier-general, 67; supersedes Curtis in command of the Department of the Missouriar, 126 Time, an element in military problems, 251 Totten, Brig.-Gen., James, service in Missouri, 35; battle of Boonville, 37; battle of Wilson's Creek, 363 Treason, a dangerous form of, 540 Trenton, Ga., S. moves to, 161, 162 Triune, Tenn., S. commanding at, 66 Troops, the ballot among the, 100; the value of a soldier's life, 182, 183; petty jealousies among, 229; their affection for commanders a factor in war, 239 Troy, N. Y., burial of Gen. Thomas at, 429 Tuileries,
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Tennessee, 1862 (search)
Light Arty, 6th Indpt. Battery Light Arty.; 26th and 90th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--Anderson Troop Cavalry, 7th Cavalry. Dec. 27: Skirmish, Jefferson Pike, Stewart's Creek BridgeMICHIGAN--4th Cavalry (Cos. "B," "E," "H," "L"). Dec. 27: Skirmish, TriuneINDIANA--3d Cavalry (Cos. "G," "H," "I," "K"). PENNSYLVANIA--15th Cavalry. Dec. 27: Skirmish, FranklinOHIO--3d Cavalry (Battalion). Dec. 27: Skirmish near HuntingdonTENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Dec. 27: Action, NolensvilleINDIANA--3d Cavalry. OHIO--64th and 93d Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--15th Cavalry. TENNESSEE--5th Cavalry. Dec. 27: Skirmish, Murfreesborough Pike, Stewart's Creek BridgeINDIANA--9th Infantry. Dec. 27-28: Actions, TriuneILLINOIS--27th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--77th Infantry. TENNESSEE--2d Cavalry. Dec. 28: Skirmish, Perkins' Mill, on Elk ForkKENTUCKY--10th Cavalry. Dec. 29: Skirmish, Stewart's CreekKENTUCKY--3d Infantry. Dec. 29: Skirmish, Lizzard's, between Triune and MurfreesboroughTENNESSEE--2d Cavalry. Dec. 29: Skirmis
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Tennessee, 1863 (search)
--11th Infantry (2 Cos.), forage train. March 8: Skirmish, Harpeth River, near TriuneTENNESSEE--1st East Cavalry. UNITED STATES--Battery "I" 4th Arty. Union loss, 2 Co. "E"). Union loss, 7 killed, 48 wounded. Total, 55. March 21: Skirmish near Triune(No Reports.) March 21: Skirmish, SalemILLINOIS--15th Cavalry. March 21-22: Sckirmish, WaitsboroughOHIO--45th Mounted Infantry (Detachment). June 8: Action, TriuneKENTUCKY--4th Cavalry. June 8-9: Expedition from Pocohontas to Ripley, Miss.ILLINOIS--9th Mounted Infantry. June 9: Action, TriuneINDIANA--2nd and 4th Cavalry. KENTUCKY--4th Cavalry. MICHIGAN--2nd Cavalry. PENNSYLVANIA--9th Cavalry. TENNESSEE--e 11: Skirmish, Strawberry PlainsOHIO--44th Mounted Infantry. June 11: Action, TriuneILLINOIS--96th Infantry. INDIANA--2nd and 4th Cavalry; 29th Infantry. OHIO--18th. INDIANA--89th Infantry (Detachment) and Transport "Ruth." June 19: Skirmish, TriuneWISCONSIN--1st Cavalry. June 19: Affair at LenoirILLINOIS--112th Mounted Infant
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Tennessee, 1864 (search)
5th Infantry. PENNSYLVANIA--19th Cavalry. WISCONSIN--8th, 14th and 33d Infantry. UNITED STATES--Battery "I," 2d Colored Light Arty.; 59th, 61st and 68th Colored Infantry. Aug. 2: Skirmish, MorristownMICHIGAN--10th Cavalry. Aug. 3-4: Skirmishes, TriuneTENNESSEE--12th Cavalry. Aug. 3-6: Scout to Tazewell1st Brigade, 4th Division, 23d Corps. Aug. 4: Skirmish, Tracy CityTENNESSEE--6th Cavalry. Aug. 8: Skirmish, LaFayetteILLINOIS--140th Infantry. Aug. 13: Skirmish, CliftonTENNESSEE--12th Cavalrrings, Ga.OHIO--1st Infantry (Detachment). TENNESSEE--Home Guard (Detachment). Sept. 3: Skirmish near MurfreesboroUNITED STATES--100th Colored Infantry. Union loss, 6 killed. Sept. 4: Skirmish, LynnvilleINDIANA--9th Cavalry. Sept. 4: Skirmish, TriuneKENTUCKY--2d Cavalry. Sept. 4: Action, Park's Gap, GreenvilleMICHIGAN--10th Cavalry. TENNESSEE--9th and 18th Cavalry; Battery "E," Light Arty. (Morgan killed.) Union loss, 1 killed, 8 wounded. Total, 9. Sept. 4: Skirmish, MurfreesboroTENNESSEE--