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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Winchester (Tennessee, United States) or search for Winchester (Tennessee, United States) in all documents.
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From our army in Tennessee. Chattanooga, Jan. 8.
--It is believed that our army will defend the line of Duck river.
Murfreesboro' is said to be unoccupied by either force.
Morgan and Forrest have returned.
They captured and paroled three thousand prisoners, and killed and wounded a large number.
[Another Dispatch.] Augusta, January 8.
--A special dispatch to the Charleston papers, dated Chattanooga, 7th, says: "General Bragg addressed the citizens of Decherd and Winchester, Tennessee, on Monday, assuring them that he would not leave them to the enemy, but would make a stand between Alliance and Tullahoma.
He had fallen back to give his brave men repose after a battle in which they had exhausted their energy.
He stated our loss at 1,000 killed and wounded, and that of the enemy at 15,000 or 20,000."
The Yankees have advanced six miles from Murfreesboro', and are committing worse than usual depredations.