Browsing named entities in Fannie A. Beers, Memories: a record of personal exeperience and adventure during four years of war.. You can also browse the collection for Amherst (Va.) (Virginia, United States) or search for Amherst (Va.) (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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l out-houses, and a feature of the place was the spring, which was situated at the foot of the hill upon which the house stood. Water was supplied from this spring by means of a ram-pump with pipes. Around the spring was a growth of very fine walnut and chestnut-trees, which made it a very cool retreat during the warm days of summer. A large orchard of apples, plums, and peaches was immediately in the rear of the residence. Between the farm and the road which led from Lynchburg to Amherst Court-House, a distance of about two miles, was a thick growth of woods, consisting principally of chestnut-trees. The whole face of the country consisted of hills and dales, and was rather rugged; the soil rather poor, probably having been exhausted by long cultivation. The nearest house was fully a mile distant, that section of country being but sparsely settled. Their painful journey thitherward ended, just imagine what it must have been to these suffering men to arrive at such a haven