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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Stuart (Virginia, United States) or search for Stuart (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 1 result in 1 document section:
The Daily Dispatch: March 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Street cars to be Propelled by steam in St. Louis . (search)
Ship ashore.
--The ship Victory, Captain Cariton, 92 days from Callao, with a cargo of guano, bound to Hampton Roads for orders, went ashore on Friday morning at 5 o'clock, about 35 miles south of Cape Henry.
Assistance was sent down on Saturday, but in consequence of the heavy gale from the Eastward on Saturday, it is feared that both vessel and cargo will be a total loss.