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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the war on the Rapidan. (search)
pickets which maintained communication between Culpeper Court-house and the brigades of Mahone and Posey of Anderson's division, which guarded United States Ford and formed the extreme left of Lee's army. It was a very eccentric flank movement, which had to be made by a flank march in the presence of a vigilant and active adversary. The difficulty was immense. If the movement had been undertaken by the whole army, it was to be expected that it would have failed, as Burnside's march from Warrenton to Fredericksburg had done six months before: it was probable that the Federals' might be forestalled by Lee, and that they would find him everywhere on their route. Hooker, availing himself of his large numerical superiority, determined to divide his army into two nearly equal parts—to make the right wing execute the flank movement, while the left wing remained facing Lee's army at Fredericksburg, holding it in check by means of various demonstrations, and attacking it if it should attem
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
ck from the front, between Haines' Bluff and Warrenton, upon this range of cliffs bristling with rey cost him six men, and came to anchor below Warrenton, whence he could put himself in communicatioe of operations he intended to attack either Warrenton or Grand Gulf, whose batteries had fired upoo reinforce the brigade already stationed at Warrenton. On the 28th of April, when the attack on Gly the whole Federal fleet before Vicksburg, Warrenton, and Grand Gulf clearly revealed the enemy'she river from Young's Point, lower down than Warrenton. He thereby saved some of his supplies in trrison-duty at Vicksburg, Haines' Bluff, and Warrenton. Pemberton estimated these last two divisiot of Vicksburg were—southsouth-west, that to Warrenton, which followed the summit of the bluff; sou left of Hall's Ferry road, the other on the Warrenton road, within a short distance of the works, ce to cut themselves a passage by way of the Warrenton road. But Johnston, on the faith of his lie[10 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Pennsylvania. (search)
of the Union scouts who were watching along the course of the river. The campaign was about to commence. Stuart was to menace the Federals in the vicinity of Warrenton in order to conceal from them the movements of the infantry, which was about to turn its back almost completely upon them as it proceeded northwestward, by way cer in whom Hooker justly placed the utmost confidence. Écheloned along the railroad, this wing could easily concentrate itself either on the Rappahannock or at Warrenton, or at Manassas if Washington itself was menaced. Hooker remained with the left wing, composed of the other four corps, near Falmouth, facing south. In the mon, which had been added to Hooker's cavalry: at this moment it was a useful reinforcement. Pleasonton was watching at the west, along the Rappahannock and near Warrenton, the point of contact with Jones' cavalry. The news of Milroy's disaster, spreading like wild-fire, had caused a profound sensation in the North. People saw
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
d day to place itself between the village of Warrenton and Warrenton Junction. In that position, wto watch with care the road from Culpeper to Warrenton through Jefferson —a very important mission,r with the other to scout the country toward Warrenton. All necessary precautions seem to be taken therefore given to resume the march through Warrenton on the morning of the following day. At tar Run and command the ford on the road from Warrenton to Greenwich. In fact, Warren expects shortetreat, and notwithstanding the time lost at Warrenton he hopes to outstrip them to Broad Run. Hisl follow through New Baltimore the road from Warrenton to Alexandria; then, turning to the right bedirection: almost all the wagons meet on the Warrenton road. Stuart remains to cover the roads betversary takes good care not to attack him at Warrenton. Lee's prompt retreat caused a disappointy has not been able to go beyond the line of Warrenton and Warrenton Junction: it occupies Auburn a[20 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Notes. (search)
n of the Fifth cavalry he saved several Federal batteries, to which he gave time to withdraw. Page 103. Instead of Richardson, read French. Page 285. Sigel and Reynolds occupy in the afternoon, after a slight skirmish, the road from Warrenton to Centreville—one at Groveton, the other more to the eastward. King, who, instead of preceding, follows them, attacks the enemy more to the westward along this road, at the point where it inclines toward Young's Branch. Pages 286-293, or ngstreet's corps during the afternoon of the 29th of August. We said that that general, taking advantage of the inactivity of Porter's corps, which was opposed to him, had sent Hood's division to Jackson's relief, whose timely arrival along the Warrenton road would have checked the offensive movements of King. Hood, as we will presently explain, had been in the position where King met him since eleven o'clock in the morning. It was Wilcox's division that Longstreet, after having at first tran
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the editor (search)
d from Buckland Mills, via New Baltimore, to Warrenton. June 23. Stahel's cavalry division moved from Warrenton, via Gainesville, to Fairfax Count-house. June 24. Newton's (Third) divisiThe First corps marched from White Plains to Warrenton; the Second corps, from Paris to Linden; theo Thumb Run; the Sixth corps concentrated at Warrenton, Wright's (first) division moving from New Bfth corps, from Thumb Run to the vicinity of Warrenton, Crawford's (third) division taking position Buford's cavalry division took position at Warrenton and Fayetteville. McIntosh's brigade, of Grrigade, of Gregg's cavalry division, reached Warrenton from Snickersville, via Upperville and Middlade, of Gregg's cavalry division, moved from Warrenton to Warrenton Junction. July 29. McIntotrick's cavalry division, from Amissville to Warrenton. July 31. The Second corps marched fro Howe's (second) division, Sixth corps, from Warrenton to near Waterloo; the Twelfth corps, from Wa[6 more...]