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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 24: preparing for the spring of 1863. (search)
nd the road from Chancellorsville to Spottsylvania Court-House. When the lines for these works were well marked, I was ordered, with the divisions of Hood and Pickett and Dearing's and Henry's artillery battalions, to the south side near Petersburg, to be in position to meet the latter move, leaving the divisions of McLaws and R. H. Anderson to finish the work on the lines of defence. After passing to the south side of James River, assigning the troops to points of observation near Blackwater River, and establishing Headquarters at Petersburg, I learned that there was a goodly supply of produce along the east coast of Virginia and North Carolina, inside the military lines of the Federal forces. To collect and transport this to accessible points for the Confederates, it was necessary to advance our divisions so as to cover the country, and to hold the Federal forces in and about their fortified positions while our trains were at work. To that end I moved with the troops in Virgin
ttempt to dislodge the National forces at Harper's Ferry, but were repulsed.--(Doc. 52.) A brigade of National troops, preceded by four companies of the Rhode Island cavalry, entered Front Royal, Va., this mornings and drove out the rebels, consisting of the Eighth Louisiana, four companies of the Twelfth Georgia, and a body of cavalry. They were taken completely by surprise, and had no time either to save or to destroy any thing. A large amount of transportation fell into the hands of the Nationals, including two engines and eleven cars of the Manassas Gap Railroad, and they captured six officers and one hundred and fifty privates, besides killing and wounding a large number of rebels. The Union loss was eight killed, five wounded, and one missing. Several of the Union men who were taken prisoners at Front Royal a week ago were recaptured. Thirteen members of the Eleventh Pennsylvania volunteer cavalry were captured near Zuni, Va., this day.--Petersburgh Express, June 2.
September 28. The rebel steamer Sunbeam was captured off New Inlet by the United States gunboats State of Georgia and Mystic, while attempting to run the blockade at Wilmington, N. C. She had a cargo of gunpowder and brandy, valued at a quarter of a million dollars. Three companies of Union cavalry and a battery of two brass howitzers, under the command of Colonel Charles C. Dodge, made a reconnoissance from Suffolk, Va., to a point on the Blackwater River, twenty-five miles distant, putting a body of rebel infantry to flight after a sharp engagement.
, or in any other way giving effect in that State or its borders to the lawless and fiendish proclamation of President Lincoln to liberate the slaves.--Richmond Dispatch, October 4. This morning a fight took place along the banks of the Blackwater River, in the vicinity of Franklin, Va., between three Union gunboats, Commodore Perry, Hunchback, and Whitehead, under the command of Capt. Flusser, and a force of rebel troops nearly nine thousand strong, resulting, after an engagement of six hos and valuables, and burned. A reconnoitring expedition, consisting of three regiments of infantry, a regiment of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, under the command of Acting Brig.-Gen. Spear, left Suffolk, Va., and proceeded to the Blackwater River opposite Franklin, where the rebels were discovered in considerable force. An artillery fight ensued, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with a loss of about thirty killed and sixty wounded. The Nationals then returned to camp.--Nationa
usetts volunteers, under the command of Colonels Coffin and Sprague, embarked from Boston for Newbern, N. C. This morning at daylight, a body of rebel cavalry entered Poolesville, Md., seized the government telegraph operators stationed there, paroled them, and then permitted them to telegraph to the authorities at Washington an account of what had befallen them.--Colonel Dodge, with two battalions of mounted rifles and one howitzer, had a spirited but short engagement with the rebels at Zuni, on the Blackwater River, Va., resulting in the rout of the rebels, with the wounding of one private on the National side. Henderson, Tenn., was captured by the rebel cavalry, who burned the railroad station at that place, and made prisoners of a company of Union troops.--The rebel guerrilla Burke was killed at Shepherdstown, Md., by a party of the Second Massachusetts regiment, under the command of Captain Cogswell.--Baltimore American. A party of rebel guerrillas, who were making
bel loss of eleven killed, thirty wounded, and forty prisoners. The Union party lost one killed and two prisoners.--One thousand seven hundred and fifty paroled Union prisoners, captured by the rebel guerrilla chiet, John H. Morgan, arrived at Nashville, Tenn., this day. A reconnoissance was this day made by a strong force of Union troops, under the command of General Ferry, to the Blackwater River, Va. The rebels were discovered, in great strength, all along the river in the vicinity of Zuni. After an artillery fight of three or four hours, in which the rebels were driven back, the National force returned to their camp at Suffolk.--(Doc. 71.) This afternoon the gunboat Essex, accompanied by the transport Winona, while making a reconnoissance of the fortifications at Port Hudson, was fired upon by a party of rebel artillerists, under the command of Captain Boone, and compelled to retire.--About day-break this morning, a large body of General Stuart's rebel cavalry entered Du
arly in the army and expose them to the hardships of the camp, of long marches, and of indifferent diet, yet they may be drilled more readily than old men, and made efficient soldiers in a sudden emergency to aid in the defence of the city and its environs.--Richmond Sentinel, June 20. The expedition that left Suffolk, Va., on the eleventh instant, returned to-day. Its leading object was to investigate the strength of, and destroy the three leading strongholds of the rebels on the Blackwater River, all of which were within a distance of twenty-five miles from Suffolk.--the citizens of Pittsburgh, Pa., held a mass meeting, at which martial law was called for and skulkers denounced. A general suspension of business and the raising of volunteer companies for defence were strenuously advocated. The ship Isaac Webb, in lat. 40° 35′, long. 68° 45′, was captured by the rebel privateer Tacony, and released on giving bonds for forty thousand dollars; the crew and passengers of the <
ells from the Genesee alone, fell inside the fort, and the firing from the other boats was remarkably accurate. Sand, stones, logs of wood, etc., were sent flying upward in great quantities, and before the action terminated every gun was dismounted, and, it is believed, disabled. One large gun in particular was knocked completely end over end, as could be plainly seen from the vessels, and the achievement drew forth hearty cheers from the gallant tars.--an expedition composed of sailors and marines from the Navy-Yard and frigate Potomac, was organized at Pensacola, Florida, and sent up the Blackwater River to destroy a ferry and bridges used by the rebel troops in passing from Alabama into Florida, for the purpose of annoying our garrisons and stealing supplies. Lieutenant Houston, United States Marine corps, employed the captured steamer Bloomer, and accomplished his mission with a loss of two men, namely, Corporal Enderly, marine guard, killed; private----, Potomac guard, wounded.
from Kelly's Ford that it was definitely known the position at Rappahannock Station was evacuated. The army was put in motion, and the pursuit continued by the infantry to Brandy Station, and by the cavalry beyond. Major-General Sedgwick reports officially the capture of six guns, eight battle-flags, and over one thousand five hundred prisoners. Major-General French took over four hundred prisoners. General Sedgwick's loss was about three hundred killed and wounded. French's about seventy. The conduct of both officers and men in each affair was most admirable. --(Doc. 10.) A cavalry fight took place at a point two miles south of Hazel River, on the road leading from Culpeper to Jefferson, Virginia, between the Nationals under the command of General Buford, and Wilson's division of Hill's rebel corps.--(Doc. 10.) A reconnoissance of the Chowan River, North-Carolina, to the vicinity of the mouth of the Blackwater, under the direction of Major-General Peck, was finished.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Operations South of the James River. (search)
ions South of the James River. I. First attempts to capture Petersburg. By August V. Kautz, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. The Cavalry Division of the Army. of the James was organized in the last days of April, 1864. Through the personal application of Lieutenant-General Grant I was selected and promoted to be Brigadier-General of Volunteers to organize and command it. I found the troops of which it was to be made up encamped in rear of Portsmouth, Va., picketing the line of the Blackwater River, on the 20th of April. Previous operations in south-eastern Virginia have been referred to by General Longstreet in Vol. III., p. 244, and in the foot-note, p. 265. General John J. Peck, whose division of the Fourth Army Corps (Keyes's) remained on the Peninsula when the Army of the Potomac was withdrawn (see p. 438, Vol. II.), and who took command at Suffolk soon after, gives the following account of events on the Nansemond and the Black-water, between September, 1862, and May, 18