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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—--the Mississippi. (search)
of the large and fertile plain of Georgia somewhat at haphazard, the ridge reaching farthest westward, known by the name of Lookout Mountain, being the only one which extends beyond Gadsden, separating the waters of Coosa River from those of the Black Warrior, one of its main tributaries. Beyond this latter water-course the ridge is prolonged eastward by a mountainous plateau which traverses the whole northern section of the State of Alabama, bordering the left bank of the Tennessee from Huntersville: there the river deflects to the westward as far as Eastport, where it finally takes a northerly direction. The waters descending both north and south from the plateau are massed into deep gorges, the passage of which is easy to defend. The road from Moulton to Blountsville crosses the dividing-line of these waters about halfway between the two villages, through a gap called Day's Gap. On the evening of the 29th, Streight halted the bulk of his column a few miles in advance of this pas
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Third winter. (search)
roops, that they may take up their winter quarters: surprised by the Federals' rapid march on Huntersville, he cannot fall back toward the east, and is compelled to collect his force and bring it back Averell with a part of Jenkins' force, while Jackson, who has remained with his brigade near Huntersville, rapidly falls back to meet him. On the 6th of November, after having closely pressed, at MilImboden keeps good watch on the Shenandoah; Jones' troops, encamped along the Greenbrier from Huntersville, where Jackson is, to Lewisburg, which is occupied by Echols, are beginning to recover from tsburg road; Fitzhugh Lee, with his cavalry, can easily, while following the Lexington road to Huntersville, prevent the return of the Federals on the north. Fortunately, a mountain-pathway which crose. The demonstration made by Moor farther to the north has decided the Confederates to leave Huntersville and the western sides of the Alleghanies, so that Averell can reach, without any impediment,