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st of the town, between the Front Royal and Martinsburgh roads. During this skirmishing the rebels ed and formed in line of battle west of the Martinsburgh road, and that officer again directed to enbattle he had retreated to the right of the Martinsburgh road. About the time that I had given the as impossible for me to retreat upon either Martinsburgh or Harper's Ferry. without encountering it to believe that they intended to march for Martinsburgh. One of the sections of the battery was ven miles north-east of Winchester, on the Martinsburgh road. Here Major W. T. Morris was commandiestimates are correct. The attack on the Martinsburgh road, our defeat and retreat, have been so ttached our forces at Bunker's Hill, on the Martinsburgh road. My line of communication with Majous route, and the enemy was probably on the Martinsburgh road. It is doubtful whether I could have order; and it was therein resolved that the Martinsburgh road, being commanded by the guns of the fo[9 more...]
stown, had a spirited contest, in which the enemy were driven to Martinsburgh and Winchester, and pressed and harassed in his retreat. Pursarty of fugitives. General Rodes marched from Berryville. to Martinsburgh, entering the latter place on the fourteenth, where he took seveoying all the important bridges on that route from Cumberland to Martinsburgh, and seriously damaged the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. He subseqwhich had crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, advanced toward Martinsburgh. It was attacked by General Fitz Lee, near Kearneysville, and dorps had turned up the river from Millwood, and, passing through Martinsburgh, crossed the river at Williamsport, and, falling into our line oof her brave departed son. General Paul J. Semms, who died at Martinsburgh, has been interred there. His remains were attended to their la evening, so say. It is also reported that their cavalry is near Martinsburgh, and that they are coming across at Williamsport. You may, howe
Doc. 33.-Jenkins's raid into Pennsylvania. Chambersburgh Repository account. on Sunday evening, June fourteenth, the dark clouds of contrabands commenced rushing upon us, bringing the tidings that General Milroy's forces at Martinsburgh had been attacked and scattered, and that the rebels, under General Rhodes, were advancing upon Pennsylvania. With due allowance for the excessive alarm of the slaves, it was manifest that the rebels were about to clear out the Shenandoah valley, and, tourse very many did not comply, but enough did so to avoid a general search and probable sacking of the town. The arms were assorted — the indifferent destroyed, and the good taken along. On Tuesday a few of Milroy's cavalry, escaping from Martinsburgh, were seen by the redoubtable Jenkins hovering in his front. Although but thirteen in number, and without the least appetite for a battle with his two thousand men, he took on a fright of huge proportions, and prepared to sell his command as
his last march was badly managed. The whole corps moved at once, and the consequence was, that the road was half the time blocked. You have had full description of things about Winchester. We had heard that the Union feeling was strong at Martinsburgh; but on our arrival, I was greatly relieved by seeing a half-dozen girls run into the middle of the street, seize our flag and kiss it devoutly. I was near by when this occurred, and could but resolve, as the blood rushed to my face, that, by tongue, I fancy, drove her husband so far from her. With some of the poorer classes the Yankees have, during Milroy's reign, become very familiar, and one of my sergeants found a Yankee concealed in one of their houses. The country between Martinsburgh and Winchester is much desolated; little grain raised; the lands not good. On Thursday evening we crossed the Potomac at Williamsport. The river is one hundred and fifty yards wide here, but not more than two and a half feet deep. The day w
, and finding there over one hundred of the enemy's sick. The Sixteenth continued the advance through the town on the Martinsburgh road to within six miles of that place, being engaged with and driving the enemy's skirmishers all the way. At this poing on our right and left. We obtained valuable information of their movements and location from parties who had left Martinsburgh that day. The object of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, we returned to within a mile of Shepherdstown, whsome time, the Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Thirty-sixth battalion, of Jenkins's brigade, came up from near Martinsburgh, and reenforced General Lee, taking a position on the left of the road toward Shepherdstown. During the remainder of red three of our wagons and as many men, who had been foraging in the vicinity of the mountain, about seven miles from Martinsburgh. The remainder of the party escaped. General Pettigrew, of North-Carolina, died of his wound at half-past 6 yester
Doc. 170.-skirmish near Smithfield, Va. A National account. Martinsburgh, Va., Sept. 15, 1863. Last night at nine o'clock, a detachment of fifty men from the First New-York, and another of the same number from the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant D. A. Irwin, were ordered out on scout, the whole under command of Captain Jones, First New-York. They proceeded to Charlestown and bivouacked for the night. At seven o'clock next morning marched to Summit's Point, and hearing of a force of the enemy in the vicinity of Smithfield advanced on that place. When within three miles of the town they overtook one of the enemy's scouting parties, and at once gave chase. They pursued them to the town, where the retreating rebs were reenforced by a detachment of the Twelfth Virginia rebel cavalry, who made a desperate charge upon a portion of our forces, when a sharp skirmish ensued, in which Captain Jones, commanding, was wounded in the hand and taken prisoner;
Doc. 199.-capture of Gillmore's guerrillas. Martinsburgh, October 17, 1863. After the excitement incident to the anticipated Imbodenish raid had partially subsided here, our vigilant citizen scout reported at headquarters information in reference to the movements and whereabouts of Major Gillmore's predatory rebel band, to villainy and to vandalism consecrate. It appears this eminent and worthy bushwhacker had conceived a plan to destroy, on a moonless night, October fifteenth, thelantry of the officers and men of the different detachments, whose effective cooperation was so essential to the complete success of the expedition. In this connection, it affords me great pleasure to state that General Kelley's son, visiting Martinsburgh to-day, paid a fine tribute to the energy, capacity, and remarkable success of Captain Prendergast, complimenting him for thus terminating, for the present time at least, the career of so many of Gillmore's lawless and ruffianly satellites.