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nnessee till August 16. Passage of the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River, and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Battle of Chickamauga September 19-21 (train guard during battle). Rossville Gap September 21. Siege of Chattanooga, Tenn., September 24-November 23. Orchard Knob November 23-24. Mission Ridge November 25. Graysville November 26. Duty at Rossville, Ga., till March, 1864. Veterans absent on furlough March 16-May 11, rejoin at Buzzard's Roost, Ga. Atlanta Campaign May to September. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Advance on Dallas May 18-25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Pickett's Mills May 27. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Pine Hill June 11-14. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Ruff's Station, Smyrna Camp Groun
bels had inundated since our last visit to Buzzard Roost; yet the difficulty was overcome by wadingn. The verdant, but treacherous ridges of Buzzard Roost, are dim and gloomy through the cold and cmy front-a-front with that of the enemy at Buzzard Roost. There is so much of interest connected wve out in open view on the road leading to Buzzard Roost. All the morning, from the earliest dawn Face Ridge suffers an abrupt depression at Buzzard Roost, and, curving to the east in the shape of ent roads, the Fourteenth corps moves from Buzzard Roost, and following the Twentieth, hurries forwection. Twelve or fifteen miles south of Buzzard Roost is a long oblique cut in Chattanooga Mountl left should compel them to withdraw from Buzzard Roost. As long as the great movement toward Snabetter protect his flanks than he could at Buzzard Roost and Sugar Valley. Citizens and deserters s, compelled him to evacuate a position at Buzzard Roost that may be justly styled the stronghold o[5 more...]
d and took flight. The fire of the enemy's artillery was quite accurate, and the cavalry displayed remarkable abandon and contempt for our fire, oily retiring when compelled to by overwhelming numbers. On comparison of notes by brigade commanders, it was found that less than ten wounded was our total loss in the occupation of the town and the surrounding ridges. Immediately on the retirement of the energy Stanley threw his column forward along the ridge overlooking the approach to Buzzard Roost, and joined his right to Palmer at the wagon road leading to Dalton. At one P. M., a small brigade of rebel infantry approached within a mile of our advance and formed in an open field, but a few well-directed shots from the Fifth Indiana battery soon dispersed them, and they retired, leaving a small picket force. Generals Sherman and Thomas were early on Tunnel Hill, and to-night have their headquarters within a mile of our advance line. Both Generals watched every movement of the
Monday, May 9. At six o'clock Davis' division opened the ball on the right by throwing forward his whole line towards the base of Rocky Face Creek into the gaps where the engagement took place in February last. Much difficulty was experienced in crossing the creek, which the rebels had inundated since our last visit to Buzzard Roost; yet the difficulty was overcome by wading the stream, an attack was at once made up the knolls and hills on the left of the railroad, which were gallantly carried by our skirmishers, the One Hundred and Thirteenth Ohio, Lieutenant Colonel Warner, occupying the hill on the immediate left of the railroad, while Morgan's brigade, which occupied the centre, carried the hill to the left, or immediately to the right of Rocky Face Ridge. Morgan's brigade was immediately thrown round on the left of the hill, carried by it, and pushed rapidly forward through a gap separating it from Rocky Face. In his attack the fire was quite brisk, and his loss in wounded
atter of infinite importance to life and limb. No movement is visible anywhere this afternoon. The smoke drifts off lazily and the skirmishers chaff at each other at their grim, favorite occupation. The verdant, but treacherous ridges of Buzzard Roost, are dim and gloomy through the cold and clouded atmosphere, and in the shady forests confronting us are long lines of shivering blue coats resolutely, nay, indifferently waiting for orders. I cannot but name a wish that God grant that the oof our army at sixty thousand. They will be astonished after they annihilate that number of Sherman's Yankees to find their work signally incomplete. General Sherman has been constantly in the saddle, and has displayed himself in front of Buzzard Roost, directing operations at points where the rebels could hardly fail to identify him. In company with General Thomas he has just moved to the right — the current that way being strong enough to carry along the heads of the army. One of McPhe
ng itself across the range of hills of the same name, where it was expected we would meet so stout an opposition. The railroad has been brought along at the same time. Thus we have accomplished the third great step in the march to Atlanta — Buzzard Roost, Resaca, and Allatoona. There remains only the fourth--Chattahoochee River. By calculating the time it has consumed to accomplish the preceding three, the reader may make for himself an estimate of the time it will take to put us in Atlanta Creek Gap on the eighth, completely surprising a brigade of cavalry which was coming to watch and hold it, and on the ninth General Schofield pushed down close on Dalton, from the north, while General Thomas renewed his demonstration against Buzzard Roost and Rocky-Face Ridge, pushing it almost to a battle. One division, General Newton's, of the Fourth corps, General Howard's, carried the ridge, and turning south toward Dalton, found the crest too narrow and too well protected by rock epaulme
ling the enemy's lines of communication, and to prevent his detaching any considerable force to send south. By the seventh of February our lines were extended to Hatcher's run, and the Weldon railroad had been destroyed to Hicks' ford. General Sherman moved from Chattanooga on the sixth of May, with the armies of the Cumberland, Tennessee, and Ohio, commanded respectively by Generals Thomas, McPherson and Schofield, upon Johnston's army at Dalton; but finding the enemy's positions at Buzzard Roost, covering Dalton, too strong to be assaulted, General McPherson was sent through Snake G(ap to turn it, while Generals Thomas and Schofield threatened it in front and on the north. This movement was successful. Johnston, finding his retreat likely to be cut off, fell back to his fortified position at Resaca, where he was attacked on the afternoon of May fifteenth. A heavy battle ensued. During the night the enemy retreated south. Late on the seventeenth his rear guard was overtaken
or to submit the following report of the operations of this division since March twenty-second, 1865, when it broke camp at Chickasaw, Alabama, and marched via Buzzard Roost, Russeville, and Jasper to Elyton, which point was reached on the thirtieth, after a march of nine days over the worst roads I ever saw, and with but little fod in increasing my effective force two hundred and sixteen men, in three days previous. The first day's march was a distance of sixteen miles, passing through Buzzard Roost, and camping near Barton's Station. March twenty-third. Had charge of the division train, and toiled with it from daylight to dark, using almost all of therop is ready for use. We shall soon begin to need small stores and clothing; they might be sent from Savannah to Augusta, or up the Altamaha and Ocmulgee to Buzzard Roost. Both State and Confederate authorities seem anxious to give me all the assistance in their power. The people are well disposed and anxious for peace. By
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 39: General Hood's northward march; Sherman in pursuit; battle of Allatoona (search)
d also the prevention of Armstrong's cavalry from destroying the bridge across the Etowah, was brought to Hood, then near Lost Mountain, he continued his march daily northward. He crossed the Coosa River near the hamlet of Coosaville, and then marched up the western bank of the Oostenaula. He went above Resaca, and quite completely destroyed the railroad all the way along above Resaca toward Chattanooga as far as our first battleground, Tunnel Hill. He captured our posts at Dalton and Buzzard Roost, securing at least 1,000 prisoners. By this time the Confederate cavalry under Wheeler had rejoined his army. As a last effort General Stephen D. Lee, with his corps, undertook the capture of the garrison at Resaca. Hood himself made the demand, October 12, 1864, to the commanding officer in these terms: Sir: I demand the immediate and unconditional surrender of the post and garrison under your command, and should this be acceded to, all white soldiers and officers will be paro
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 16: (search)
lumn. But the flanking columns advanced and compelled Wheeler to retire, and the Federals encamped that night in the valley immediately before the pass called Buzzard Roost, through which the railroad passes. On the next day two Federal divisions held the position at Buzzard Roost, and two others, with the cavalry, were sent arouBuzzard Roost, and two others, with the cavalry, were sent around by the north to make an attack in the rear of the pass in Crow valley. Major-General Hindman met this flank movement very skillfully, posting Clayton's brigade of Stewart's division, and Reynolds' brigade, near the base of the mountain, and Brown's, Pettus' and Cumming's brigades on the opposite heights to the east, and maintaion's mills. A glance at the map will show the general positions of the armies. Sherman's report states that the pass between Tunnel Hill and Dalton, known as Buzzard Roost, was narrow, well obstructed, and strongly defended by artillery, preventing an attack in front against Dalton. An attack from the north was likewise to be av