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istory of no other war has preserved with equal accuracy and completeness. I am under obligations to many veterans for kindly suggestions and criticisms during the progress of this work, to Houghton & Mifflin for the use of Holmes' Sweet little man, and especially to Comrade Charles W. Reed, for his many truthful and spirited illustrations. The large number of sketches which he brought from the field in 1865 has enabled him to reproduce with telling effect many sights and scenes once very familiar to the veterans of the Union armies, which cannot fail to recall stirring experiences in their soldier's life. Believing they will do this, and that these pages will appeal to a large number to whom the Civil War is yet something more than a myth, they are confidently put forth, the pleasant labor of spare hours, with no claim for their literary excellence, but with the full assurance that they will partially meet a want hitherto unsupplied. Cambridgeport, Mass., March 30, 1887.
u, But you'll find our courage true! For, by the Eternal God we swear To crush your rebel crew! We know our cause is holy; We will keep our powder dry; And fight, as did our noble sires, For Freedom-or we'll die! We march as loyal patriots! We are bound with iron bands! Our trust is in a righteous God! Our swords are in our hands! We march to conquer Treason; Our purpose is our might, And we do not fear the issue, For we know that we are Right. We bear the glorious Stars and Stripes, That never knew defeat; We'll drench with blood your Rebel Rag, And tread it 'neath our feet! We'll sweep this land from end to end; We'll burn from sea to sea; Till earth and heaven alike shall know America is free! And when at last we conquer, And the deadly strife is o'er, The Stars and Stripes shall light the skies, And float from shore to shore! And from Oregon to Texas, And from Florida to Maine, Shall peace and plenty crown the land, And truth and justice reign! Cambridgeport, May 27, 1861.
e council was composed of the following clergymen, with their delegates: Rev. Dr. Kirkland and Dr. Ware, Cambridge; Dr. Holmes, Cambridge; Dr. Lowell, Boston; Rev. Aaron Greene, Malden; Rev. Henry Ware, Boston; Rev. James Walker, Charlestown; Rev. Convers Francis, Watertown; Rev. Joseph Field, Weston; Rev. George Ripley, Boston; Rev. Samuel Ripley, Waltham; Dr. Fiske, West Cambridge; Rev. Charles Brooks, Hingham; Rev. Francis Parkman, Boston; Dr. Foster, Brighton; Rev. Thomas B. Gannett, Cambridgeport; Rev. Bernard Whitman, Waltham; Rev. Charles Briggs, Lexington; Rev. Edward B. Hall, Northampton; Rev. Ira H. T. Blanchard, Harvard. In the organization of the council, Rev. President Kirkland was chosen Moderator; and Rev. Charles Brooks, Scribe. After the usual religious services, the council examined the doings of the church and congregation relative to the dissolution of the pastoral relation of Rev. Andrew Bigelow, and found them regular. They next examined the doings of the ch
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Notes and Queries. (search)
ld be highly appreciated. Very respectfully, T. D. Jeffress. General Grant replied as follows on the bottom of the same sheet of paper: General Badeau's book, now in the hands of the printer, will give the exact truth of the matter referred to in this letter. There was no demand made for General Lee's sword, and no tender of it offered. U. S. Grant. We should be glad of an answer, by some one who can give the information, to the following courteous letter: Cambridgeport, mass., March 16, 1881. Rev. J. William Jones, Secretary Southern Historical Society: My Dear Sir,--During the night of the 23d, and morning of the 24th of May, 1864, Hancock's Second corps, Army of the Potomac, was crossing the trestle bridge over the North Anna at Chesterfield, and during that time, more especially after dawn, whenever any considerable number of troops appeared on the bridge, they were the object of immediate attention from a Confederate battery a few hundred yards up t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Garrison, Wendell Phillips 1840- (search)
Garrison, Wendell Phillips 1840- Journalist; born in Cambridgeport, Mass., June 4, 1840; graduated at Harvard in 1861; became literary editor of The nation; author of The Benson family of Newport, R. I.; joint author of Life of William Lloyd garrison.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Murray, James Ormsbee 1827-1899 (search)
Murray, James Ormsbee 1827-1899 Educator; born in Camden, S. C., Nov. 27, 1827; graduated at Brown University in 1850, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1854. Soon afterwards he became pastor of the Congregational Church in Peabody, Mass., where he remained till 1861. He was then called to the pastorate of the Prospect Street Church in Cambridgeport, which he left in 1865 to become associate pastor with the Rev. Dr. Spring, in the Brick Presbyterian Church in New York. In 1873 he succeeded to this pastorate; in 1874 accepted the Professorship of Belles-Lettres, and English Language and Literature in the Princeton University; and in 1886 became the first dean of the faculty of Princeton. His works include Life of Francis Wayland; George Ide Chace: a Memorial; Introduction, with bibliography, to Cowper's poetical works; William Gammell: a biographical sketch, with selections from his writings; Lectures on English Literature; and The sacrifice of praise, a compilation of
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Telescope. (search)
Telescope. Telescopes were first constructed in the Netherlands about 1608. In 1853 Alvan Clark, of Cambridgeport, Mass., a comparatively unknown portraitpainter, after having experimented from 1846 in grinding lenses, succeeded in turning out a glass superior to any made elsewhere in the world. He and his sons went on making large and larger instruments, till they ground the 36-inch telescope for the Lick Observatory, in California, and the son, Alvan G., made the 40-inch Yerkes telescope for the observatory of the University of Chicago, erected at Williams Bay, Wis. The movable part of the latter, which turns on the polar axis, weighs about 12 tons, and the clock weighs 1 1/2 tons. The refracting telescopes of the Naval Observatory, at Washington, 33 feet long, and at the Leander McCormick Observatory, University of Virginia, both made by Alvan Clark & Sons, have a 26-inch aperture. The largest reflecting telescope in the United States is at Harvard University, 28-inch mir
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), California (search)
s question; anti-debris convention of 110 delegates, residents, and property-holders in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, at Sacramento......Sept. 26, 1882 Acts passed creating a horticultural, sericultural, and forestry commission, and a bureau of labor statistics......1885 California home for the care and training of feeble-minded children opened at Santa Clara......1885 Thirty-six-inch lenses for the great refractor of the Lick Observatory safely brought by rail from Cambridgeport, Mass., and deposited in the observatory vaults......Dec. 27, 1886 Legislature appropriates $5,000 for a monument to James W. Marshall, the discoverer of gold, at his grave in Coloma, Eldorado county......1887 Tax enacted of 1 cent on each $100 of property for the University of California......1887 Corner-stone of Stanford University laid at Palo Alto......May 20, 1887 Lick Observatory transferred by the trustees to the regents of the University of California......June 1, 1888
ll 20 or 30 years later. Cooke's telescope. A large instrument of its class was mounted at York, England, by Cooke. See Fig. 401. It is mounted equatorially on the German principle, having a finder at the side, as is usual with that class of instruments. Sidereal motion is communicated to the instrument by clock-work. Its objectglass is 25 inches in diameter. The new refracting instrument for the Naval Observatory of Washington, D. C., is being made by Alvan Clark, of Cambridgeport, Mass., and will probably be completed during the present year (1873). Its object-glass is complete, and has a diameter of 27 inches. It is the largest of its class, and great hopes are reasonably entertained of its performances. Large telescopes, equatorially mounted, are in the observatories of Cambridge, Eng., Cambridge, U. S., Chicago, Albany, Alleghany, and Pulkowa, Russia. The equatorial of Melbourne, Australia, is a reflector. See telescope. As′tro-scope. 1. An astronomica
London Exposition, 1851. A burning-lens of great power may be obtained by fixing two circular disks of thin glass at the opposite ends of a tube, say 1 inch long, and injecting into the space between them, under pressure, turpentine, bleached oil, or other liquid of high refractive power. When the glass attains the required curvature, close the stop-cock and mount the fluidlens for use. The lens of the new Naval Observatory at Washington has been made by Alvan Clarke & Sons, of Cambridgeport, Mass. It is 26 inches in diameter; the telescope is now in working position in the building erected for it under the superintendence of Professor Newcomb. See the following varieties : — Achromatic lens.Meniscus. Aplanatic lens.Microscopic lens. Bull's-eye.Multiplying-lens. Coddington lens.Object-glass. Concavo-convex lens.Orthoscopic lens. Condensing-lens.Pebble. Convex lens.Periscopic lens. Convexo-concave lens.Photographic lens. Convexo-convex lens.Plano-concave lens. Cros