Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Douglass (Nevada, United States) or search for Douglass (Nevada, United States) in all documents.

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t of General Sweet. Headquarters Post, camp Douglas, Chicago, ill., November 28, 1864. Capiain urpose of releasing the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, taking possession of the city of Chicago, reinforcements were made to the garrison at Camp Douglas, which thwarted the expedition, and its memeight and nine thousand prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, and that, taking advantage of the exciteme. The whole number of troops for duty at Camp Douglas on that day were as follows: Eighth regme in Walsh's house, about thirty rods from Camp Douglas, arms and ammunition, as per annexed scheduf Prisoners ,by telegraphic despatch, dated Camp Douglas, November seven, at four o'clock A. M., a c Garland, all of whom are now in custody at Camp Douglas. On the eleventh of November forty-sevending, which comprised the small garrison at Camp Douglas, during two weeks of severe, and almost uneplotting to release the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas. I have every reason to believe that Colon[1 more...]