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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) | 4 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) | 4 | 0 | Browse | Search |
The Daily Dispatch: June 29, 1861., [Electronic resource] | 4 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
The Daily Dispatch: November 30, 1863., [Electronic resource] | 2 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Your search returned 18 results in 7 document sections:
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore), 1863 , November . (search)
November 23.
The battle of Chattanooga, Tenn., commenced this day. At half-past 12 o'clock, Generals Granger's and Palmer's corps, supported by General Howard's, were advanced directly in front of the Union fortifications, drove in the enemy's pickets, and carried his first line of rifle-pits between Chattanooga and Carter's Creek.
The Nationals captured nine commissioned officers and about one hundred enlisted men. Their loss was about one hundred and eleven men.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore), 1864 , April (search)
April 29.
The English schooner Miriam was captured in lat. 25° 25′ N. long.
84° 30′, W., by the National vessel Honeysuckle.
An expedition, under the command of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hooker, sent to Carter's Creek from the Potomac flotilla, succeeded in destroying eleven boats and canoes, a large quantity of grain, and a number of log-huts, which had been used as barracks by the rebel soldiers.
In approaching these, Acting Master Street, who had charge of the landing party, consisting of twenty-five seamen, fell in with a company of rebel cavalry, who, mistaking his force for the advance-guard of a much larger one, put spurs to their horses and fled.
Lieutenant Hooker well planned the expedition, and Acting Master Street displayed boldness and decision in carrying it out.--Com. Parker's Report.
Considerable excitement was caused in Richmond, Va., to-day, by the presence of the rebel government impressing agents for the collection of horses for the use of Gener<
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore), chapter 37 (search)
36.-fight at Carter's Creek, on the Rappahannock River, June 24.
U. S. Steamer Monticello, Off Fortress Monroe, June 25, 1861.
Dear sir: In accordance with your desire, I send you a short statement of our action at Carter's Creek, up the Rappahannock River, which took place yesterday P. M.
Agreeably to orders received from Flag Officer Pendergrast, we were relieved at our station off Cape Henry by the Quaker City, and caine up and reported on Sunday morning. Was ordered away Carter's Creek, up the Rappahannock River, which took place yesterday P. M.
Agreeably to orders received from Flag Officer Pendergrast, we were relieved at our station off Cape Henry by the Quaker City, and caine up and reported on Sunday morning. Was ordered away in the afternoon and anchored in Lynnhaven Bay.
Yesterday morning we steered up the Chesapeake Bay, and about 2 P. M., were at the mouth of the Rappahannock.
Hoping to capture the rebel steamer Virginia, plying on that river, we steamed a short distance with the Cumberland's launch in tow, armed with a 12-pound howitzer.
Seeing nothing of importance, we turned round, and, at the request of our pilot, sent the launch on shore with our gig in tow, fully armed and equipped for any emergency, alt
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers . (search)
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 3. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II :—--the Mississippi . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: June 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], The circulation of the Dispatch . (search)