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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 42: Petersburg. (search)
ght exchange of cavalry fire. No orders came, the afternoon was passing, further delay seemed perilous. I drew the command off and filed to the right to cross Flat Creek to march for Farmville. The other infantry and trains and artillery followed and kept the march until a late hour, halting for a short rest before daylight. Jetersville, started towards Amelia Court-House to look for us, but General Humphreys, of his Second Corps, learned that our rear-guard was on the north side of Flat Creek on the westward march. General Griffin, of the Fifth Corps, also had information of troops in march west, and General Meade, therefore, changed direction to podore Reed, of his staff, who conducted the column, and put his command in march to follow by the road through Rice's Station. After repairing the bridge at Flat Creek, General Humphreys marched in hot pursuit of our rear-guard, followed by the Sixth Corps, Merritt's and Crook's cavalry moving on the left of our column as we m
Davies soon found out that Lee was trying to escape by that flank, for at the crossroads he found the Confederate trains and artillery moving rapidly westward. Having driven away the escort, Davies succeeded in burning nearly two hundred wagons, and brought off five pieces of artillery. Among these wagons were some belonging to General Lee's and to General Fitzhugh Lee's headquarters. This work through, Davies withdrew and rejoined Crook, who, with Smith and Gregg, was established near Flat Creek. It being plain that Lee would attempt to escape as soon as his trains were out of the way, I was most anxious to attack him when the Second Corps began to arrive, for I felt certain that unless we did so he would succeed in passing by our left flank, and would thus again make our pursuit a stern-chase; but General Meade, whose plan of attack was to advance his right flank on Amelia Court House, objected to assailing before all his troops were up. I then sent despatches to General
graph shows the effect of the terrific bombardment of the Federal fleet. Creek, where the failure of an old country bridge and the absence of practicable fords delayed the crossing of that stream. The outlook at that point on the line of march was evidently disturbing to General Lee, for on arrival of the engineer troops late in the afternoon, for which he had waited, he impressed upon the colonel in command of them the necessity for strenuous efforts to effect as rapid a crossing of Flat Creek as possible, emphasizing his instruction by saying that a captured order from General Grant to General Ord, who was at Jetersville, indicated an attack early next morning. Timber was felled; a new bridge was built; the last vehicle had passed over it, and the engineer troops were already in motion toward Amelia Springs, when a Federal battery unlimbered on a near-by hill and fired a few shells to expedite the movement of as tired and hungry a body of Confederate troops as could have bee
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The private Confederate soldier. (search)
debris and rubbish to repel and conquer the storming enemy. I have seen them bivouacked on the right of Hatcher's Run, and on the ever memorable days of the 29th and 31st of March last advance first one, then two, then less than three brigades, on the Military and Boydton plank-roads, against two corps, and fight them for hours, and so stagger them that they dared not follow the retreat. I have seen them on the quick night-march to Church Crossings, and thence hurried to the Namozine, to Flat Creek, to Big Creek, to Sailor's Creek, to the High Bridge, and to Farmville, marching and charging, and charging and marching, and starving, but not sleeping nor stopping on the way, but to work or to fight. And I have seen them fire their last volleys at Appomattox; and often times in marches, on picket, in the trenches, in camps and in charges I have seen them sad and almost sink, but I never saw their tears until their beloved commander-in-chief ordered them to surrender their arms. Then t
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Michigan Volunteers. (search)
tom August 13-20. Strawberry Plains August 14-18. Ream's Station August 25. Reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run December 9-10. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Watkin's House March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. On line of Hatcher's and Gravelly Runs March 29-30. Hatcher's Run (or Boydton Road) and White Oak Road March 31. Sutherland Station April 2. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Pursuit of Lee April 3-9. Sailor's Creek April 6. Flat Creek, near Amelia Springs, April 6. High Bridge April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Regiment specially detailed to remain at Appomattox Court House until the paroling of Lee's army was accomplished. Moved to Washington, D. C., May 2-13. Grand Review May 23. Mustered out June 4, 1865. Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 115 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 159 Enlisted men by disease. Total 280. 27th
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
Bottom August 13-20. Strawberry Plains, Deep Bottom, August 14-18. Ream's Station August 25. Reconnoissance to Hatcher's Run December 9-10. Hatcher's Run December 9. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Watkins' House, March 25. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Skirmishes on line of Hatcher's and Gravelly Runs March 29-30. Boydton Road and White Oak Road or Hatcher's Run March 31. Sutherland Station April 2. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Flat Creek, near Amelia Court House, April 5. Sailor's Creek April 6. High Bridge, Farmville, April 7. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. March to Washington, D. C., May 2-12. Grand Review May 24. Mustered out May 31, 1865. Regiment lost during service 10 Officers and 188 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 127 Enlisted men by disease. Total 326. 141st Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry. Organized at Harrisburg August 29, 1
ascertained that three trains, heavily loaded with troops, had arrived. One train remained, while the two others ran down immediately to the junction of Southside and Danville railroads. Here considerable railroad property was destroyed, much to the discomfort of the enemy, who sent a locomotive down to reconnoitre. About daylight of next morning, Saturday, the Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry formed on the left, with the Third New York cavalry on the right. A demonstration was made upon Flat creek bridge. While Lieutenant Schriver was leading a charge across this bridge he fell, mortally wounded. The enemy were in strong force, and the contest waxed fierce for a time. While it was going on, another portion of the command, the Fifth Pennsylvania and First District of Columbia cavalry, were doing important work — the demolition of the telegraphs, locomotives, cars, track and ties of the railroad. From this point it pushed for the Southside railroad, by the way of Deep creek. At
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Chapter 19: the capture of Petersburg by 6th Corps (search)
ampy bottoms and dense thickets, but did not find the enemy. About 10 o'clock we moved out to the road. We followed our 3d Division by way of Jettersville toward Deatonville. Everything and everybody now seemed to be in a hurry. Everything on wheels was halted in the open places except the artillery and ambulances, which were making desperate efforts to keep up with the infantry, and it became evident to us that at the rate we are going we should soon catch up with the enemy. Crossing Flat Creek we kept on with our rapid march, the sound of musketry and artillery increasing in our front. Finally coming to an open place we could see a road in our front crossing the road upon which we were marching, and we were told that it was the road along which the enemy was retreating, and that our cavalry had overtaken them and captured a portion of their wagon train and many prisoners, and that we were close to Lee's infantry. As we came out of the woods into the open field that stretched
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War, Index. (search)
, D11 Fish River, Ala. 110, 1; 147, E4 Five Forks, Va. 16, 1; 66, 9, 66, 11; 68, 3;74, 1, 74, 2; 76, 5;77, 2; 78, 1; 93, 1; 94, 8, 94, 9;100, 1; 137, F6 Battle of, April 1, 1865 66, 9, 66, 11; 68, 3 Union and Confederate lines, operations, 1864-65 77, 2 Flags, Corps badges, etc. Illustrations 175 Flat Creek, Ga. 101, 21; 144, A2, 144, E3, 144, F6; 145, D5 Flat Creek, Mo. 152, D2; 160, D12; 161, E13 Flat Creek, Tenn. 95, 3;142, D3 Flat Creek, Va. 16, 1; 55, 1; 74, 1; 76, 5;77, 4;78, 1; 93, 1; 100, 1; 137, F6, 137, G3; 138, A6 Flat Rock, Ga. 88, 2; 143, E1, 144, A1; 148, A14; 149, H14 Flint Creek, Ark. 10, 4 Flint Hill, Va. 5, 10; 22, 5;74, 1; 82, 8;100, 1; 137, B5 Flint River, Ala. 24, 3;61, 9;117, 1; 149, E6 Flint River, Ga. 57, 1, 57, 3;59, 6;60, 1, 60, 2; 61, 5, 61, 7;88, 2; 117, 1; 135-A; 143, F1; 144, B1, 144, F2; 145, C2; 147, C14; 148, B13, 148, C13 Flint Stone Creek, Md. 136, D4
hat place two hours ago with artillery and infantry. Griffin is further to the right, and has been urged to push on. He is no doubt doing so. Wright is pushing out on the road you are on, and will go in with a vim any place you dictate. Ord has sent two regiments out to Farmville to destroy the bridge, and is entrenching the balance of his command at Burk's station. If your information makes it advisable for him to move out, notify him, and he will do so. To this Sheridan replied from Flat creek: The enemy's trains are moving on the pike through Deatonsville, in the direction of Burksville station. I am just getting ready to attack them. I have notified General Ord. During the morning it had still been possible that the rebel chief might attempt to make a detour entirely around the national left, and head the remains of his command for Danville, in the hope of finally effecting a junction with Johnston's army; but, as the day waned, it became manifest that Lee had abandoned a