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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 15.60 (search)
t delay to completion. S. E. Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate States Navy. I came immediately back to the Navy Yard and commenced this great work, unassisted by mortal man so far as the plans and responsibilities of the hull and its workings were concerned as an ironclad. The second letter which came from the department about this great piece of work is as follows: Confederate States Navy Department, Richmond, August 18th, 1861. Flag-Officer F. Forrest, Commanding Navy Yard, Gosport. Sir: The great importance of the service expected from the Merrimac, and the urgent necessity of her speedy completion, induce me to call upon you to push forward the work with the utmost dispatch. Chief Engineer Williamson and Constructor Porter, severally in charge of the two respective branches of this great work, and for which they will be held personally responsible, will receive, therefore, every possible facility at the expense and delay of every other work on hand if necessary.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
tysburg, 294. Garnett, Robert S., mentioned, 102, 113. General Orders No. 1, Lee's, 368. George . mentioned, 79. Germania Ford, 243. Gettysburg, battle of, 142, 270; losses in, 302. Gettysburg and Vicksburg, 309; removal of dead, 409; compared with Waterloo, 421. Gibbons, General, 244. Gloucester Point, Va., 136. Gooch, Sir, William, mentioned, 5. Gordon, General James B., 337. Gordon, General John B., mentioned, 241, 336, 371, 387. Gorgas, General, 99, 110. Gosport navy yard, 139. Grace Church, Lexington, Va., 411. Grace Darling, Lee's horse, 181. Graham, William, mentioned, 405. Grant, Ulysses S., mentioned, 46, 48; character, 326; crosses the Rapidan, 328; in the Wilderness, 332; dispatch to Halleck, 336; crosses the Pamunkey, 340; at Cold Harbor, 341, 342; attacks Petersburg, 346; at City Point, 349; orders assault, 377; enters Petersburg, 382; proposes surrender, 388; sends second letter, 389; his third note, 391; final note to Lee, 392;
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 8: Washington. (search)
s of precaution as were possible had long since been taken. The officers had been admonished to vigilance, and preparation made to bring away the more valuable ships. It was Gen. eral Scott's design to advance troops to its support the moment Fortress Monroe should be secure. Under these circumstances occurred the sudden fall of Sumter, the President's proclamation, the secession of Virginia, and the immediate movement of Governor Letcher's State forces against both Harper's Ferry and Gosport. As a preliminary act, he thought to absolutely prevent the escape of the ships by obstructing Elizabeth River with small sunken vessels. The device did not completely succeed, though it greatly enhanced the danger. It is possible that all might yet have been ultimately saved, but for a contingency against which foresight was impossible. The ships were ready to move out ; the most valuable of them — the Merrimack-had steam up and was on point of sailing, when, by the treachery and false
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
s to Maryland first, and, providing for the seizure of Washington and Old Point, Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard, present these two States in the attitude of rebels inviting coercion. This was the way Patrick Henry brought about the Revolution, and this is the best use that Virginia can make of commissioners of any kind. Governor Wise had already publicly announced that, in the event of an attempt at coercion on the part of the National Government, Fortress Monroe, the Navy Yard at Gosport, and the armory and arsenal at Harper's Ferry would be seized, and held for the purpose of opposing the Government. Already Judge A. H. Handy, a commissioner from Mississippi, had visited Maryland for the purpose of engaging that State in the Virginia scheme of seizing the National Capital, and preventing the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln. The conspirators were so confident of the success of their schemes, that one of the leading Southern Senators, then in Congress, said:--Mr. Lincoln will
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 16: Secession of Virginia and North Carolina declared.--seizure of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard.--the first troops in Washington for its defense. (search)
he Navy. These ships were much coveted prizes. These, with the immense number of cannon and other munitions of war at that post, the Virginia conspirators intended to seize for the use of the Confederacy. The Navy Yard here spoken of was at Gosport, a suburb of Portsmouth, on the side of the Elizabeth River opposite Norfolk. It was a sheltered spot on the margin of a deep and narrow body of tide-water, whose head was at the Great Dismal Swamp of North Carolina. The station was one of theuld offer, to allow the Government to relax its vigilance or its preparations for the defense of its seat, for a moment. And yet, when the crisis came — when the secession of Virginia was proclaimed, and the movements against Harper's Ferry and Gosport were begun — the foes of the Union developed such amazing proportions, vitality, and strength, that the Government was in imminent peril. The public offices were swarming with disloyal men, and the Capital held thousands of malignant secessioni
t, 2.501; attempt of Forrest on, 2.539; Invested by Hood, 3.424; battle of, 3.425; visit of the author to in 1866, 3.430. Nashville, Confederate cruiser, short career of, 2.568; destruction of by Commander Worden, 3.190. Natchez, bombarded by Porter, 2.530. Natchitoches, Gen. Franklin at, 3.255. Navy, condition of before the outbreak of the war, 1.299; vessels purchased for the, 1.559; abundance of recruits for, 1.560; important services of during the war, 3.584. Navy-Yard at Gosport, history of the destruction of, 1.392-1.398. Navy-Yard at Pensacola, surrendered to the State authorities, 1. 169. Negley, Gen. James S., at Nashville, 2.264; his unsuccessful attempt on Chattanooga, 2.303. Negroes, excluded by Gen. Halleck from his camps, 2.180; fighting qualities of displayed at Milliken's Bend, 2.624; employed as soldiers, 3.91; accepted as volunteer troops, 3.249. Nelson, Gen. W., operations of in Eastern Kentucky, 2.90; at the battle of Shiloh, 2.280. N
ord more, in conclusion, upon the Merrimac, or Virginia, and the lessons her career teaches. Her first appearance upon the stage of the world was on the 8th day of March, and the drama closed with the flames of her funeral pyre on the morning of the 11th of May; and certainly never was there any mortal craft that within the short space of two months played a more important part or led a more eventful life. She was originally a United States steam screw frigate of fifty guns, and, being at Gosport when the rebellion broke out, was, like many of her consorts, partly burned and sunk when it became certain that Norfolk must fall into the hands of the seceding State of Virginia. After a while the Confederates fished her up, and it was found that the bottom of the hull, the boilers, and the essential parts of the engine were little injured. It was proposed to make this wreck the nucleus of a casemated vessel with inclined iron-plated sides and submerged ends. This ingenious suggestion
hn A., of N. C., resolution by, 305-6. Gilmer, Thos. W., to The Madisonian, 156; 158. gist, Gov., of S. C., summons his Legislature, 830; his Message, 330-31. Gleason, Capt., at siege of Lexington, Mo., 588-9. glen, Mr., of Miss., in Dem. Convention, 314. Globe, The, 143. Godfrey, Gilman & Co., in Alton mob, 139-141. gold, export of, by 8th Decennial Census, 23. Goliad, Texas, battle at, 150. Goodell, William, 114; 125. Gorman, Gen., at Edward's Ferry, 624. Gosport; see Norfolk. Gott, Daniel, of N. Y., his resolve condemning the Slave-Trade in the Federal District, 193. Grafton, Va., 521; 522. Graham, Wm. A.,of N. C., for Vice-President, 223. grant, Gen. U. S., 278; solicits reinforcements of Fremont, 587, sends troops against ,Jeff. Thompson, 591; his attack on the Rebels at Belmont, 594 to 597; his horse is killed under him there, 597; occupies Paducah, 612; his proclamation, 613. great Britain, her tardy recognition of our independence
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
of my intention to abandon Yorktown and the Warwick, before the fire of that artillery should be opened upon our troops. The suggestion made in the conference in the President's office was also repeated: to form a powerful army near Richmond, of all the available forces of the Confederacy, to fall upon McClellan's army when it should come within reach. Major. General Huger was instructed, at the same time, to prepare to evacuate Norfolk, and Captain S. S. Lee, commanding the navy-yard at Gosport, to remove to a place of safety as much of the valuable property it contained as he could. On Saturday, the 3d of May, the army was ordered to fall back, on information that the Federal batteries would be ready for service in a day or two; Longstreet's and Magruder's divisions by the Warwick road, through Williamsburg, and G. W. Smith's and D. H. Hill's by that from Yorktown-the movement to begin at midnight, and the rear-guard, of cavalry, to follow at daybreak. Information of this wa
as not known when its outbreak took place at Charleston. It now appears that it was matured for many years by secret organizations throughout the country, especially in the slave States. By this means, when the President called upon Virginia, in April, for its quota of troops then deemed necessary to put it down in the States in which it had shown itself in arms, the call was responded to by an order from the chief confederate in Virginia to his earned followers, to seize the navy yard at Gosport; and the authorities of the State, who had till then shown repugnance to the plot, found themselves stripped of all actual power, and afterwards were manifestly permitted to retain the empty forms of office only because they consented to use then at the bidding of the invaders. The President, however, never supposed that a brave and free people, though surprised and unarmed, could long be subjugated by a class of political adventurers always adverse to them; and the fact that they have a