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Clara Davis. Miss Davis not a native of this country her services at the Broad and Cherry Street Hospital, Philadelphia one of the Hospital Transport corps the steamer John Brooks mile Creek Hospital Mrs. Husband's account of her at Frederick City, Harper's Ferry, and Antietam Agent of the Sanitary Commission at camp Parole, Annapolis, Maryland is seized with typhoid fever here when partially recovered, she resumes her labors, but is again attacked and compelled to withdran the early part of this summer, memorable as the season of the Peninsula Campaign, she, in company with Mrs. M. M. Husband, of Philadelphia, entered upon the transport service on the James and Potomac Rivers, principally on board the steamer John Brooks --passing to and fro with the sick and wounded between Harrison's Landing, Fortress Monroe and Philadelphia. This joint campaign ended with a sojourn of two months at Mile Creek Hospital, Fortress Monroe. Her friend, Mrs. H. thus speaks of