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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.8 (search)
Nicholas and land all of my men in his boats, as I was determined she should not fall into the hands of the enemy. I have learned since that the captain became so uneasy, that another man piloted her over. About half an hour after my arrival at Coan river landing, a body of Confederate soldiers and sailors came down to assist me, the soldiers commanded by Captain Lewis. I then read the Baltimore morning papers and ascertained that Captain Ward had been killed while making an attack on Mathias Point, and all the gunboats had left the river and gone up the river to Washington to the funeral. There were several passengers on board, but I landed them and gave permission to all who wished to return to Baltimore to do so. Few returned, as nearly all were on their way South; and although it was Sunday the ladies amused themselves by making Confederate flags out of the Yankee flags I had captured. Finding there was no chance of capturing the Pawnee, and deeming it unsafe to remain wh