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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) or search for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:
--The Fredericksburg Herald, alluding to the destruction of the house of Dr. Abraham Hooe, below Mathias' Point, by the Federal scoundrels, says:
This residence has been in the Hooe family for many generations.
It was respected by the enemy during the Revolution, and during the war of 1812. Although the British had it in their power to burn it down, yet they proved their magnanimity by allowing it to stand unharmed.
It was left for these brethren of ours; these members, until a recent period, of a common Government, to turn their vandal hands upon private property.
Fight at Mathias' Point.
The Fredericksburg Herald, of Friday even- publishes the following report of a fight Mathias' Point, on Thursday night, but was not vouch for its accuracy:
It is stated that a party of the Federal force ded from one or more vessels, with sand apparently for the purpose of putting some defences.
After landing they were attacked by the arta Guards and Caroline Grays, and re- We are informed that 6 of the Federal troops were killed, some 12 or 14 drowned, out like scared tridges.
The only damage on our side is said to the flesh wound on the cheek of one of our
he guns of the vessel were not fired lest own men might be killed.
The Fredericksburg News makes the following statement:
The enemy landed at Mathias' Point last night in large force with sand bags to erect a tery Our boys routed them--killed six, wounded ten, and the rest escaped, leaving 20 in the woods, and the troopers are still hunting them like wild turkeys.