Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) or search for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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, in Northumberland, on the chesapeake Bay, they took six negroes. Landing of troops at Mathias Point — out-rages of the Yankees, &c The Fredericksburg Herald, of Tuesday evening, has the following particulars of the landing of Federal troops at Mathias Point, and their subsequent retreat therefrom: The enemy made a landing at Mathias Point about two hours before daylight on MondayMathias Point about two hours before daylight on Monday morning, in numbers reported at from 60 to 200. They immediately moved outward into the country, but so quiet had been the landing, that our pickets in the vicinity were unapprised of the fact.esterday forenoon reports that Col. Cary's 30th Virginia regiment were within eight miles of Mathias Point, en route, when he passed them, and that Col. Stokes's North Carolina regiment were pressingoint. Later.--We have just seen Col. Arnold, of King George, who was in the vicinity of Mathias Point yesterday. He states that the enemy had all re-embarked, and that their vessels were lying