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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) or search for Mathias Point (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
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Latest Southern News.
Our Southern exchanges furnish us the following items of interest:
From the Potomac — sinking of a Yankee vessel by a Confederate battery.
From the Fredericksburg Recorder, of the 24th inst. we take the following:
The only item of striking moment from this line that we can gather is the fact that on Sunday evening about dusk, Capt. Cook's battery, than which there is none more efficient in the Southern service, opened near Mathias' Point on an upward bound three masted vessel, (merchantman,) and in some five or six shots succeeded in sinking her.--Our informant was not able to say whether the crew was saved, but is certain as to the sinking of the vessel.
Shortly after this occurrence the Freeborn came steaming down, and opened upon the battery but after some fifteen or twenty well directed shots from Cook's battery she was induced to retreat in good order to the Maryland shore.
We learn in a conversation with soldiers on furlough fro