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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], [communicated] (search)
The fight at Mathias' Point.a Northern account.
A letter to the New York Herald, written on board the steamer Freeborn, given the following details of the fight:
On reaching Mathias' Point, the Freeborn anchored, broadside on, opposite thMathias' Point, the Freeborn anchored, broadside on, opposite the wooden building so often fired on, to the left of which is a gentle slope, leading to the top of the table lands, and to the left of that a ravine, called Jotank Swamp.
Beyond the ravine, still further to the left, is a dense thicket of pines, run wnee,Potomac river,June 27th, 1861. Sir:
--I have to report the following casualties resulting from the action at Mathias' Point this afternoon:
Killed, 1.--Commander J. H. Ward, commanding flotilla; gunshot wound of abdomen, almost immediat Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes:
One of the officers who was present during the affair at Mathias' Point, states that of the thirty odd Federal troops that were assailed not above three got off without being hit in one way
Correspondence of the Richmond DispatchMathias' Point — engagement There — the enemy routed--nine Yankees certainly killed, &c. Port Conway, Va., July 1.
Our hitherto quiet little county, which has almost grown proverbial for the peaceable and law-abiding character of its citizens, and so free from public commotions of any sort that it has been regarded by some of our neighboring counties as comparatively insignificant, has suddenly become the theatre of important military operations.
Point Mathias, fifteen miles below and in sight of Aquia Creek, has for some time past been nursed by the enemy with steam-tugs, and occasionally with ships of a larger growth; but no serious attempt was made by the vandals to land and obtain a foothold possession of the Point, until a few days ago. On Thursday last, a company of 75 Yankees landed under the guns of a steamer, and undertook the erection of a battery a few yards from the edge of a high bluff that overlooks the Potomac for man
Firing at Mathias' Point.
Passengers who left Fredericksburg Friday morning state that a report prevailed there on yesterday that heavy firing had been heard in the neighborhood of Mathias' Point.
It is to be hoped that the "glorious Fourth" was celebrated in a becoming manner by giving the Yankees as sound a thrashing as Johnston inflicted upon them about the same time near Martinsburg.
Firing at Mathias' Point.
Passengers who left Fredericksburg Friday morning state that a report prevailed there on yesterday that heavy firing had been heard in the neighborhood of Mathias' Point.
It is to be hoped that the "glorious Fourth" was celebrated in a becoming manner by giving the Yankees as sound a thrashing as Johnston inflicted upon them about the same time near Martinsburg.
The Daily Dispatch: July 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], A Shower of fish. (search)
Depredations at Mathias' Point. [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] King George Co.,Va., July 13.
The vandals on board the "Freeborn," who have not molested us since Capt. Ward met his death at the hands of our brave soldiers, returned again on Thursday evening, and commenced to fire once more upon the house of Custle Grymes, Esq., (situated at the Point,) and sent a ball through the roof, adding considerably to the injury it has already received at their hands, in direct violation of a promise made to him, when they landed at his house some days before, that his property should not be disturbed.
The next point of attack was "Liberty," the residence of John Hill Stuart, ,Esq., a volunteer in the King George Grays, (about a mile distant,) which they did not succeed in striking.
Both houses are deserted, the families having been obliged to fly for their lives, amid thickly falling bomb shells, on the day of the first skirmish, one of the ladies carrying with her a helpl