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The Daily Dispatch: August 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], Subscriptions to the Dispatch . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: August 23, 1861., [Electronic resource], Yankee Inventions. (search)
The affair at Mathias' Point.
--A correspondent writing from Shiloh, King George county, Virginia, August 16th, gives the following account of the late skirmish at Mathias' Point:
Yesterday morning a steam-tug, supposed to be the Resolute, Captain Budd, came down the Potomac on one of her usual marauding expeditions.
Mathias' Point:
Yesterday morning a steam-tug, supposed to be the Resolute, Captain Budd, came down the Potomac on one of her usual marauding expeditions.
On rounding Mathias' Point, she fired a volley of rifle balls, intending, I suppose, to wake up any pickets that she presumed might be there.
Proceeding a little further down, the vigilant freebooters discovered a small boat, with some barrels in it near the shore; supposing the boat to contain valuables just arrived from MarylaMathias' Point, she fired a volley of rifle balls, intending, I suppose, to wake up any pickets that she presumed might be there.
Proceeding a little further down, the vigilant freebooters discovered a small boat, with some barrels in it near the shore; supposing the boat to contain valuables just arrived from Maryland, the valorous Budd immediately dispatched a boat, containing an officer and five men, to capture the coveted prize; but, before they succeeded in their thievish design, they were seen by a small squad of our militia, in command of Colonel M. Arnold and Major H. B. Lewis, who opened upon them with their "Virginia Cornstalks," an
The Daily Dispatch: September 18, 1861., [Electronic resource], Northern War debts and taxes. (search)
From Washington.
arrest of spies — a New York correspondent wounded — more "Masked batteries "--return of Gen. McClelian, &c.
Washington, Sept. 16.
--Three spies were arrested here to-day.
F. W. Walker, the correspondent of the New York Express, has been dangerously wounded by a prisoner, who afterwards made his escape.
Commodore Porter has been assigned to an important command on the Mississippi.
The correspondent of the New York Tribune says that the Potomac flotilla reports new batteries five miles below Aquia Creek; and also a large number of soldiers at Mathias Point.
The steamer Pensacola will not be able to pass the Point without a severe fight.
General McClellan has just returned from a visit to Gen. Banks.
The proclamation of the Captain General of Cuba, regarding ships bearing the Confederate flag, occupies the serious attention of the Cabinet
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Northern financial affairs. (search)