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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7., An eighteenth century enterprise. (search)
up High street and down Salem street for several rods, with steaming oxen waiting for their turn to be relieved of the loads brought from up above, and down Cape Ann way, to be exchanged for West India goods (pronounced West Ingie) from the store. Ship street ended at the red gate, which was the entrance to Wellington Farms, which were owned and tilled by the brothers Isaac and James Wellington, their fertile acres unbroken by street or railroad. South street, after being extended to Medford Hillside, is now back within its original limits, from Main street, at the hotel, to where the road leaves the river. Spring street, crossing the canal, is Winthrop street. Summer street (formerly Middlesex) and West street approximately mark the course of Middlesex canal in this section. Nathan Adams occupied a house where the Mystic House stands, and Harvard street was Cambridge street. Both names are equally appropriate. Mountain street was the name given to the present Fulton street. T
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., A pioneer railroad and how it was built. (search)
t was the brilliant idea of one of the railroad officers to prevent their being counterfeited. The conductor was supposed to know everybody and discriminate at once between transients and season ticket holders. The latter were allowed one passage each way daily, but the rule was not rigidly enforced. The stations in our city were known as Medford Steps and Medford Gates. There are as many steps at the former now as then, perhaps more, but for over twenty years it has been known as Medford Hillside. The Gates has been West Medford for more than fifty years. The name was appropriate however. At all grade crossings were placed huge posts with a broad sign board spanning the street, bearing the legend, Railroad crossing, look out for the engine while the bell rings. As everything was of substantial character the letters were of iron, and once painted black. Sometimes a screw had loosened and an iron letter was missing, or hung dangling aloft, a menace to the passers beneath.
Medford Hillside. There are many of them, but the term is distinctively applied to but one, the northwestern slope of Walnut, now for half a century called College hill. As a portion of the so-called Hillside district is included in the level plain beside the railway, and its development has been in a way different from the le later, the originator of that banking system in Massachusetts. The Associates divided into two branches, one selecting home sites in Dedham, the other at Medford Hillside, mainly on Adams street. Those locating at Dedham erected houses chiefly of one design, which was in accord with Mr. Quincy's idea. It was a forerunner of t appendix may soon become congested. It would be well if by some legislative surgery it might be operated upon, that the western end of our city might no longer be separated because nearly two centuries ago some Charlestown folk had a cow pasture beside the river and wished to retain it. This should be a part of Medford Hillside.
River Ship Company yards, near Wellington Bridge. Five thousand people assembled to watch the schooner slide gracefully into the water, where she was met by two tug-boats, which towed her to Barrett wharf in East Boston. A thousand children from the schools of Somerville and Medford, released from their classes early to attend the launching, set up a great cheer as the vessel took the water. Miss Annie Ferrullo, 7-year old daughter of Generose Ferrullo, one of the contractors, of Medford Hillside, broke a bottle of Italian wine over the bow and christened the schooner Tremont. The vessel is named after the Tremont Trust Company. The 1500— ton Tremont is valued at $200,000. As the date of the above lacks but four days of being forty-seven years from the launching of the last Medford ship (the Pilgrim, by Captain J. T. Foster. See Regis-Ter, Vol. XVI, p. 71), it is evident that the sight must have been a novel one and of interest to Somerville and Medford people. To the c
similar tins attached by one taut string would answer each other without injury to any finger tips— and four years later came the telephone. But who amid the nerve distracting sounds of 1871 would have dared to prophecy what is fact in 1921, and here in Medford? It has taken the telephone fifty years to reach its present state of perfection. Wireless telegraphy has been known only half as long, and the wireless telephone but a few years. Who would then have dared to predict that fifty years later the following bit of history would be found in public print? Radiophone concerts are given regularly every Wednesday evening at 8.30 . . . at Medford Hillside. Thousands of amateurs, within a hundred miles radius of Boston, are able to listen in on these wireless concerts.—Boston Transcript, June 11, 1921. It is a far cry from the concert of the Mustard Pot Band, noted by Editor Usher, in which devil's fiddles, big and little, screeched and squealed, to such as are noted ab
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Medford Historical Society. Officers for the year 1921. President. Herbert N. Ackerman. Telephone, Mystic 1827-W. 10 Adams Street, Medford Hillside. Vice-Presidents. Rosewell B. Lawrence. George H. Remele. Miss Lily B. Atherton. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Recording secretary. Frederic H. Dole. Telephone Connection. Chestnut Street. Financial secretary and Treasurer. Gegrge S. T. Fuller. Telephone, Mystic 2208-W. George Street. Librarian and Curator. Moses Whitcher Mann. Telephone, Arlington 545-M. 138 Boston Avenue, West Medford. Directors. William Leavens. John A. C. Emerson. Melvin W. Pierce. The above constitute the Board of Directors which meets at the call of the President. The Society's Honorary members are Walter H. Cushing. George S. Delano. Benjamin P. Hollis. Charles N. Jones. Membership list. Herbert N. Ackerman. Ida M. Ackerman. Amy A. Ackerman. Isabelle Ackerman. John Albree. Lily B
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford radio-the fourth R. (search)
y years before, which was the precursor of the telephone. We were then constrained to add a few words about the wireless telephone, quoting from the Boston Transcript (June 11) concerning the wireless concerts given on Wednesday evenings at Medford Hillside. Mention also was made (Vol. XVIII, p. 77) of the erection of Medford's sky-scraper, the radio tower. Events follow each other in rapid succession and make history quickly in modern days. The little laboratory erected in 1916 has bee, where once was Pansy park. There is something doing every evening on the northern slope of old Walnut-tree hill, some years called College hill, but now widely known as Amrad Station Wgi of the American Radio and Research Corporation at Medford Hillside. The daily newspapers devote several columns to the subject of wireless telephoning, which has come to be styled radio, and which has a vocabulary of its own. For instance, the transmission of the words spoken into a receiver are from the
Memorial Day address—broadcasted. Substance of address by Maurice Luke Bullock, minister of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, West Medford, broadcasted from the Amrad Station Wgi of the American radio and Research corporation, Medford Hillside, Mass., Sunday evening, may 28, 1922. A nation's Memorial Day. We are recognizing Memorial Day this year as being more significant than ever before. It is different from the other national holidays. No noise of guns and exciting fireworks, no demand for a safe and sane Memorial Day, but the emphasis is on reverence, honor and respect. The men and boys of the sixties have been honored through all the years on this day. And in recent years tens of thousands of new dead have been added to the lists, making the day more meaningful than ever. We have new reasons for observing Memorial Day. The old veterans, to whom the day has always meant so much, have been passing away rapidly. The day was being given over increasingly to sports
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., Lieutenant Sprague's long fence. (search)
rs later, portions of both farm and common were annexed to Medford; the fence entirely in Medford limits. It was one hundred and forty years before the canal, and one hundred and seventy-three before the railroad came through farm and pasture; and one hundred and eighty-eight when Tufts College set a light on the bleak hill, no longer wooded. Just two centuries later, within our own remembrance, came the embanked reservoir beside the college. Since then the entire West Somerville and Medford Hillside sections of two cities have been built, whose limits are now reached, beyond which they may not pass. Where Lieutenant Sprague began his fence, the Mystic Valley parkway crosses Main street, and follows the river through Medford, Somerville and Arlington beside the lower lake, then in Charlestown. On this barrier, but fifteen years old, we see no reasonable Cattle, but modern automobiles, one hundred and thirty-five in five minutes on Sunday afternoon pass by, and no gate mayntayned.