Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Nassau River (Florida, United States) or search for Nassau River (Florida, United States) in all documents.

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he schooner L. R. Waring, near Savannah, Ga. The following account in reference to the capture, we take from a New York paper: The prize schooner Albion, of Nassau. N. P., formerly the Lucy R. Waring, of Baltimore, arrived at New York on Sunday. She is laden with arms, ammunition, salt, fruit, provisions, oils, tin, copper,ng chase, which had lasted three hours. When the Penguin came alongside and hailed her, the captain reported her to be the schooner Albion, of Nassan, N. P., from Nassau, and bound to New York, loaded with salt and fruits. When boarded, she was found to be also loaded with saddles, bridles, boots, shoes, leather, thread, and varig. taken by the Anderson. Four vessels, one from each of the following blockaded ports — Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville — had arrived at Nassau. This news is reported by steamer Karnak at New York. The English schooner W. H. Northern, Capt. Silliman, arrived at Havana on the 20th inst., from Wilming