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June 19. A skirmish took place between the Twentieth Indiana regiment, in General Kearny's division of the army of the Potomac, and a body of rebel troops, which lasted for more than an hour. The Union troops held their position with slight loss, having had only three men wounded. In the afternoon, Gen. Kearny complimented the regiment for its bravery and discipline. The confederate schooner Louisa, laden with cotton, two flatboats, laden with rice, and a steam tug-boat, were captured about twelve miles up the Santee River, by a boat's crew of the United States steamer Albatross, blockading off the North-Santee River, S. C.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
onel of the National Secret Service, mentioned in note 1, page 35, volume II. Early the following morning I left Wilmington, and journeyed into the interior by railway, as far as Florence, where I turned southward and sea-ward, and, by the Northeastern railroad, reached Charleston that evening, at twilight. The latter portion of our journey was a very interesting one. We swept for more than two miles through a blazing pine-forest, and traversed the great swamps along the margins of the Santee River, which we crossed late in the afternoon. Ten days before, I had left Philadelphia in a snow-storm; now I was among spring blossoms, and the dark swamps were glowing, as with sunlight, with the flowers of the trailing yellow jasmine. At Charleston the writer was the guest of a friend who had endured the fiery furnace of war through which that city had passed. His elegant residence was in what was lately the suburbs of the city, and beyond the reach of shells from Morris Island. In co
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 47: operations of South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, under Rear-admiral Dahlgren, during latter end of 1863 and in 1864. (search)
allant affairs on the Federal side as well as on that of the Confederates; for though the latter resorted to every means in their power to damage the Federal vessels, yet the officers of the Navy were ever on the alert to take advantage of anything that would enable them to circumvent the enemy. These were small affairs, but they were hazardous, and showed the skill of the Union officers and men. On the 23d of March, a steamer, supposed to be loading with cotton, was discovered up the Santee River, at a point called McClellansville, and Commodore Rowan, senior officer of the blockading squadron, ordered Lieutenant A. W. Weaver, of the gun-boat Winona, to fit out an expedition and cut her out. Accordingly, an expedition was started from the Winona, under the command of Acting-Master E. H. Sheffield (executive officer), consisting of the gig and second and third cutters. Acting-Ensign Lieutenant-Commander (now Captain) A. W. Weaver. Wm. McKendry was in charge of one cutter, Ac
ssemble at their respective muster grounds, and be governed by the following instructions, viz.: 1. If the information is that the enemy has landed north of Santee River, the several companies will be marched and stationed as follows: The St. James Santee Company will be marched to South Santee Ferry, and will collect all thand Charleston, the several Companies will be marched and stationed as follows: The mounted Company of St. James Santee will patrol the country between the Santee River and the intersection of the Georgetown and See Wee Roads. The St. James Santee Company will be marched to Steed's Bridge, and will destroy that and the Owenth of Charleston, the several Companies will be marched and stationed as follows, viz.: The mounted Company of St. James Santee will patrol the country from Santee River to Mount Pleasant. The St. James Santee and St. Stephen's Companies will be marched to the intersection of the Georgetown and See Wee Roads. The Christ C
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
e as much railroad as possible; then, .ignoring Charleston and Augusta both, I would occupy Columbia and Camden, pausing there long enough to observe the effect. I would then strike for the Charleston & Wilmington Railroad, somewhere between the Santee and Cape Fear Rivers, and, if possible, communicate with the fleet under Admiral Dahlgren (whom I find a most agreeable gentleman, accommodating himself to our wishes and plans). Then I would favor an attack on Wilmington, in the belief that Portt strike between, breaking en route the Charleston & Augusta Railroad, also a large part of that from Branchville and Camden toward North Carolina, and then rapidly to move for some point of the railroad from Charleston to Wilmington, between the Santee and Cape Fear Rivers; then, communicating with the fleet in the neighborhood of Georgetown, I would turn upon Wilmington or Charleston, according to the importance of either. I rather prefer Wilmington, as a live place, over Charleston, which is
Doc. 24.-attack on the little Ada. Lieut.-Commander Weaver's report. United States steamer Winona, off Suwanee River, S. C., March 25, 1864. Sir: In obedience to your order of the twenty-first instant, directing us to proceed off the Santee River, and to prevent the steamer loading at McClellanville from going to sea, and to use such efforts to capture said steamer as might best meet that end consistent with safety, I have to report that I left Charleston harbor in this vessel, on the morning of the twenty-third instant, and arrived off the Santee at 5.30 P. M. of the same day. After making a careful reconnaissance of the north and south mouths of the Santee, I decided that there must be the deepest water in the latter, and anchored this vessel as near there as was prudent. At sunset I started a boat expedition in command of Acting Master E. H. Sheffield, executive officer of this vessel, consisting of the gig, second and third cutters, Acting Ensign William McKendry, in
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in February, 1865. (search)
h as meat, shoes, blankets, &c., can be obtained. Articles specifically contraband under Federal Treasury regulations will have either to be smuggled in through the trade, or introduced by extraordinary inducements along the Atlantic and Gulf coast. Arrangements are already in progress to secure lead, saltpetre, sheet copper, leather, &c., along the Florida coast. In view of these facts, I would respectfully recommend that proper guns and works be placed at Georgetown, South Carolina, at the mouth of the Santee river, and at Saint Marks and Apalachicola, Florida; that an engineer officer be designated to examine other inlets or places on the coast where vessels may enter, and to provide protection for them; that the Quartermaster-General be instructed to direct his officers to furnish transportation for cotton and supplies when called upon by the agents of this bureau. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Thos. L. Bayne, Lieutenant-Colonel.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), French refugees in America. (search)
French refugees in America. The colony of Huguenots planted in America by Coligni disappeared, but the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (q. v.) in 1685 caused another and larger emigration to America. The refugees in England had been kindly assisted there, and after the accession of William and Mary Parliament voted $75,000 to be distributed among persons of quality and all such as, through age or infirmity, were unable to support themselves. The King sent a large body of them to Virginia, and lands were allotted them on the James River; others purchased lands of the proprietaries of Carolina, and settled on the Santee River; while others—merchants and artisans—settled in Charleston. These Huguenots were a valuable acquisition to the colonies. In the South they planted vineyards and made wine. A large number of them settled in the province of New York, chiefly in Westchester and Ulster counties, and in the city of New Y
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lynch, Thomas 1749- (search)
Lynch, Thomas 1749- Signer of the Declaration of Independence; born in Prince George parish, S. C., Aug. 5, 1749; was of Austrian descent. His father, also Thomas, a wealthy patriot, was a member of the Continental Congress from 1774 till his death, in 1776, The son was educated in England, and returned home in 1772, when he settled upon a plantation on the Santee River and married. He was elected to fill the seat of his sick father in Congress near the close of 1775, when he voted for and signed the Declaration of Independence. His own ill-health compelled him to leave Congress in the fall of 1776. Near the close of 1779 he embarked for St. Eustatius, with the intention of proceeding to Europe, but the vessel and all on board were never heard of afterwards.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Motte, Rebecca (search)
Motte, Rebecca Heroine; daughter of Mr. Brewton, an Englishman; married Jacob Motte, a South Carolina planter, in 1758, and was the mother of six children. Left a widow of fortune at about the beginning of the Revolutionary War, she resided in a fine mansion near the Santee River, from which she was driven by British, who fortified the Fort Motte. building and named it Fort Motte. Marion and Lee approached with a considerable force, but having no artillery, could not dislodge the garrison. What was to be done had to be done quickly, for other posts required their attention. Only by setting the house on fire could the British be driven out. To this method Mrs. Motte gave her cheerful assent. She brought an Indian bow and arrows. To the latter lighted combustibles were affixed, and an expert fired the arrows into Rebecca Motte. the roof of the dwelling. It was soon in a blaze, when the garrison were compelled to sally out and surrender. The patriotic owner then regale