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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
main body of the Confederate army remained at Manassas, where it could easily obtain supplies, and at Centreville, the solitary hillock of which had been encircled by earthworks of considerable strength. On the right it was covered by the Occoquan River, of which Bull Run is one of the tributaries, and further on small posts placed en echelon along the Lower Potomac were to prevent all attempts at landing. At Aquia Creek a brigade was in direct communication with Richmond by way of Fredericksburg. Between the mouth of the Occoquan and Alexandria, on a hill which overlooks the course of the Potomac, and from which the dome of the Capitol may be seen, stands Mount Vernon, a dwelling at once modest and famous, where Washington lived and died. By a strange coincidence, the residence of the great citizen whose name both parties were invoking, and whose memory each was anxious to appropriate, was situated precisely between the two lines of outposts, as if he had hesitated between them
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
fifteen thousand strong, with three hundred cannon. The exaggerations emanating from this source contributed to a great extent, perhaps, in rendering General McClellan excessively cautious. The Confederates had constructed a considerable number of fortifications along the line of Bull Run and the Manassas plateau, but they had not armed them with heavy cannon, which proved that the leaders contemplated their abandonment. But on the right bank of the Lower Potomac, from the mouth of the Occoquan to Acquia Creek, they had erected batteries, which were mounted with the most powerful guns at their disposal. The navigation of the Potomac, therefore, as we have stated, had been interrupted by these batteries, and the injurious effects of this interruption were beginning to be sensibly felt in Washington. This blockade soon became the principal complaint against General McClellan, and its removal formed a conspicuous feature in all the programmes of operations devised at that period.