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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 56 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 604 (search)
king that There was not any race of Goddes, for he beleved not That Persey was the sonne of Jove: or that he was conceyved By Danae of goldea neighbor did anoy his ground by dwelling nie. To him the wandring Persey thus his language did applie: If high renowne of royall race thy no intreating faire nor stoutnesse tourne his minde. Well then (quoth Persey) sith thou doest mine honour set so light, Take here a present: and To rise about their daylie worke shone brightly in the skie. Then Persey unto both his feete did streight his feathers tie And girt his Woodeat abundance of hir teares shee stopped up hir sight But when that Persey oftentimes was earnestly in hand To learne this matter, for bicauseds, and streightly did embrace Hir bodie fastened to the rock. Then Persey them bespake, And sayde: The time may serve too long this sorrow fot time of helpe must eyther now or never else be take. Now if I, Persey, sonne of hir whome in hir fathers towre The mightie Jove begat wit
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 706 (search)
the pure and vacant aire a pellet from a sling. When on the sodaine Persey pusht his foote against the ground, And stied upward to the clouds writhing back his head His cruell teeth might doe him harme: so Persey in that stead Discending downe the ayre amaine with all his force all oft As doth a chaufed Boare beset with barking Dogges about. But Persey with his lightsome wings still keeping him without The monsters reae tayle where into fish it growes most smal and round. The Whale at Persey from his mouth such waves of water cast, Bemixed with the purple blhearts began to pleasant mirth by leysure to encline, The valiant Persey of the folke and facions of the land Began to be inquisitive. One Lrce or wile thou gotst the head with haires of Adders slie. Then Persey tolde how underneath colde Atlas lay a plaine So fenced in on everyly of the sisters three haire mixt with Adders bore. Sir (aunswerde Persey) sith you aske a matter worth report I graunt to tell you your dema
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 1 (search)
now not save thee from my handes. As with that word he bent His arme aloft, the foresaid Dart at Persey to have sent, What doste thou brother (Cephey cride) what madnesse moves thy minde To doe so fohim than see my daughter dead. He gave him not a worde againe: but looked eft on him, And eft on Persey irefully with countnance stoure and grim, Not knowing which were best to hit: and after little at Anger gave at Perseys head. But harme it did him none, It sticked in the Bedsteddes head that Persey sate upon. Then Persey sternely starting up and pulling out the Dart Did throw it at his foe agaPersey sternely starting up and pulling out the Dart Did throw it at his foe agayne, and therewithall his hart Had cliven asunder, had he not behinde an Altar start. The Altar (more the pitie was) did save the wicked wight. Yet threw he not the Dart in vaine: it hit one Rhetus risame broyle did fall Full sore against his will. At hand was warlie Pallas streight And shadowed Persey with hir shielde, and gave him heart in feight. There was one Atys borne in Inde, (of faire Lymn
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 74 (search)
dide, Did raise up such a cruell rore that nothing could be heard. For fierce Bellona so renewde the battell afterward, That all the house did swim in blood. Duke Phyney with a rout Of moe than of a thousand men environd round about The valiant Persey all alone. The Dartes of Phyneys bande Came thicker than the Winters hayle doth fall upon the lande, By both his sides, his eyes and eares. He warely thereupon Withdrawes, and leanes his backe against a huge great arche of stone: And being safe e hard by in Arabie. Like as the Tyger when he heares the lowing out of Neate In sundrie Medes, enforced sore through abstinence from meate, Would faine be doing with them both, and can not tell at which Were best to give adventure first: so Persey who did itch To be at host with both of them, and doubtfull whether side To turne him on, the right or left, upon advantage spide Did wound me Molphey on the leg, and from him quight him drave. He was contented with his flight: for why Ethem
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 177 (search)
aven part of silver, part of golde The said seven channels of the Nile, sayd: Persey here beholde From whence we fetch our piedegree: it may rejoyce thy hart To die the bodies that were next, and all were Marble quight. He turnes himselfe from Persey ward and humbly as he standes He wries his armes behind his backe: and holding up his handes, O noble Persey, thou hast got the upper hand, he sed. Put up that monstruous shield of thine: put up that Gorgons head That into stones transformeth me Nor daring looke at him to whome he did entreatance make, The thing (quoth Persey) which to graunt both I can finde in heart, And is no little courtesie to sheweyeelding handes and gastly ruthfull cheare. With conquest and a noble wife doth Persey home repaire And in revengement of the right against the wrongfull heyre, As indoste backbite: Upholding that Medusas death was but a forged lie: So long till Persey for to shewe the truth apparantly, Desiring such as were his friendes to turne
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 250 (search)
The Goddesse Pallas all this while did keepe continually Hir brother Persey companie, till now that she did stie From Seriph in a hollow cloud, and leaving on the right The Iles of Scyre and Gyaros, she made from thence hir flight Directly over that same Sea as neare as eye could ame To Thebe and Mount Helicon, and when she thither came, She stayde hir selfe, and thus bespake the learned sisters nine: A rumor of an uncouth spring did pierce these eares of mine The which the winged stede shouldmake by stamping with his hoofe. This is the cause of my repaire: I would for certaine proofe Be glad to see the wondrous thing. For present there I stoode And saw the selfesame Pegasus spring of his mothers blood. Dame Uranie did entertaine and aunswere Pallas thus: What cause so ever moves your grace to come and visit us, Most heartely you welcome are: and certaine is the fame Of this our Spring, that Pegasus was causer of the same. And with that worde she led hir forth to see the sac