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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 52: Tenure-of-office act.—equal suffrage in the District of Columbia, in new states, in territories, and in reconstructed states.—schools and homesteads for the Freedmen.—purchase of Alaska and of St. Thomas.—death of Sir Frederick Bruce.—Sumner on Fessenden and Edmunds.—the prophetic voices.—lecture tour in the West.—are we a nation?1866-1867. (search)
be read, as they knew, to their advantage by their constituents. Senators affected to resent his didactic style or his lecturing, Warrington (V. S. Robinson) in the Springfield Republican, Sept. 7, 1867. as they called it,β€”a term which they are apt to apply to remarks savoring of reproof. There is a temptation to administer such correction, but there is a want of tact in doing it. Laggards do not take kindly to the cracking of the whip. Sumner wrote to Mr. Bright, April 16:β€” The Russian treaty tried me severely; abstractedly I am against further accessions of territory, unless by the free choice of the inhabitants. But this question was perplexed by considerations of politics and comity and the engagements already entered into by the government. I hesitated to take the responsibility of defeating it. I think you will like a recent Act of Congress declaring that our foreign ministers shall not wear any uniform unless previously authorized by Congress. Of course Congress
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 56: San Domingo again.—the senator's first speech.—return of the angina pectoris.—Fish's insult in the Motley Papers.— the senator's removal from the foreign relations committee.—pretexts for the remioval.—second speech against the San Domingo scheme.—the treaty of Washington.—Sumner and Wilson against Butler for governor.—1870-1871. (search)
some heart disease, probably the remote effect of his old blow. The doctors say the only policy is rest; the more he'll take, the better health, and the better chance of life prolonged. I argued and prayed; so did we all. How would it do for you to drop him one line beseeching the same course? I told him any harm to him would be greater evil than the stealing of all the west shores. An allusion to the measures for acquiring San Domingo. Sometime I'll tell you lots of good things. The Russian minister said to me: Make him rest,β€”he must. No man in Washington can fill his place,β€” no man, no man. We foreigners all know he is honest. We do not think that of many. Notwithstanding the controversy in which he was engaged, Sumner kept up his interest in ordinary matters of legislation, and was never more active in the details of the business of his committee, which he was about to leave. As to committee or other work, see Congressional Globe for January 19; February 4, 7, 8, 14