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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 11: anti-slavery attitude: literary work: trip to Cuba (search)
d, in a duel. After death, however, this blemish did not appear, and the distinction of the features was remarkable. Among his few effects was a printed volume containing the genealogy of his family, which had thrice intermarried with royal houses, once in the family of Maria Lesczinska, wife of Louis XV. of France. Within this book he had inclosed one or two cast-off trifles belonging to Mrs. Eames, with a few words of deep and grateful affection. So ended this troublous life. The Russian minister at Washington called upon Mrs. Eames soon after the funeral, and spoke with respect of the count, who, he said, could have held a brilliant position in Russia, had it not been for his quarrelsome disposition. Despite his skepticism, and in all his poverty, he caused a mass to be said every year for the soul of his mother, who had been a devout Catholic. To the brother whose want of faith added the distresses of poverty to the woes of exile, Gurowski once addressed a letter in the
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 19: another European trip (search)
of an evening visit to Victor Hugo at his own residence. In The History of a Crime, which was then just published, M. Hugo mentions M. Desmoulins as one who suffered, as he did, from the coup daetat which made Louis Napoleon emperor. A congress of gens de lettres was announced in those days, and I received a card for the opening meeting, which was held in the large Chatelet Theatre. Victor Hugo presided, and read from a manuscript an address of some length, in a clear, firm voice. The Russian novelist, Tourgenieff, was also one of the speakers. He was then somewhat less than sixty years of age. Victor Hugo was at least fifteen years older, but, though his hair was silver white, the fire of his dark eyes was undimmed. I sought to obtain entrance to the subsequent sittings of this congress, but was told that no ladies could be admitted. I became acquainted at this time with Frederic Passy, the well-known writer on political economy. Through his kindness I was enabled to att