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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 32 0 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 20 0 Browse Search
Raphael Semmes, Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States 16 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 10 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 10 0 Browse Search
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 0 Browse Search
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 4 0 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 4 0 Browse Search
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seemed anything but bright at the beginning of Lamar's administration. Fortune, which at first appeared to smile upon the rising republic, finding her favors neglected, had now begun to turn away her face. Nearly three years had passed since San Jacinto, and yet no government, except the United States, had acknowledged the independence of Texas. The European powers refused recognition, and pointed to the claim of title maintained by Mexico, with an annual invasion that disputed possession off the Indians was its condition, and this condition was broken as soon as made. Indeed, the treaty was used as a mere cover for warlike preparation and a secret league with the enemy. Instead of adhering to Texas, they were, at the crisis of San Jacinto, the clandestine ally of the foe, only awaiting his appearance to strike, and requiring the whole strength of Eastern Texas and the interference of the United States Army to keep them in check. Afterward, with a settled purpose of eventual wa
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
s afterward, when the United States steamer San Jacinto landed her prisoners in Boston, the daring er light the conduct of the officers of the San Jacinto. The San Jacinto had cruised during the San Jacinto had cruised during the fall months on the west coast of Africa, bearing a roving commission, and keeping a bright lookout atch, and on the 23th of the same month the San Jacinto was again in blue water shaping a course fohe port bow, sir, came back the reply. The San Jacinto was then heading north, and presently the bf, the Trent had steamed well up toward the San Jacinto, and was in mid-channel, when the gun on thried to induce them to accompany him to the San Jacinto, and as they positively refused to go, he ssked him if he was ready to go on board the San Jacinto. Mason was cooler and more collected than he personal effects of the prisoners to the San Jacinto, and we were soon headed north, our missionnchor until the 21st, and the cruise of the San Jacinto ended when we deposited the Confederate dip
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
Ricketts, General, mentioned, 190, 192. Ringgold Barracks, 61, 62. Ripley, General, 130. Robertson, General, Beverley, 184, 187, 285. Rockbridge Artillery, 323. Rodes, General, 249-252. Rosecrans, General William S., 115, 127, 122, 123, 119. Rosser's cavalry brigade, 353, 384, 371. Round Top, 282. Russell's division, 318, 319. Rust, Colonel, Albert, 119, 120, 121. Sanders, General, killed, 363. Sanford, General, Charles, 105. Santa Anna, General, 31, 32, 38. San Jacinto, battle of, 31. Schenck, General, mentioned, 143. Schofield, General John M., joins Sherman, 372. Scott, General, Winfield, mentioned, 19, 33, 40, 44, 46; notice of, 48; mentioned, 52, 54, 85, 101, 103, 105, 176; autobiography, 374; mentioned, 423. Seceding States, the, 84. Second United States Cavalry, 54, 56, 58. Seddon's dispatch from Lee, 368. Sedgwick, General, John, mentioned, 212, 213, 244, 247; at Chancellorsville, 255, 256; mentioned, 318, 319; killed in the W
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, May, 1863. (search)
vant to wait upon me, in order that I might become acquainted with an aristocratic negro. John was a very smart fellow, and at first sight nearly as white as myself. In the cars I was introduced to General Samuel Houston, the founder of Texan independence. He told me he was born in Virginia seventy years ago, that he was United States senator at thirty, and governor of Tennessee at thirty-six. He emigrated into Texas in 1832; headed the revolt of Texas, and defeated the Mexicans at San Jacinto in 1836. He then became President of the Republic of Texas, which he annexed to the United States in 1845. As Governor of the State in 1860, he had opposed the secession movement, and was deposed. Though evidently a remarkable and clever man, he is extremely egotistical and vain, and much disappointed at having to subside from his former grandeur. The town of Houston is named after him. In appearance he is a tall, handsome old man, much given to chewing tobacco, and blowing his nose w
military base for both the navy and the army of incalculable advantage in the further reduction of the coast. Another naval exploit, however, almost at the same time, absorbed greater public attention, and for a while created an intense degree of excitement and suspense. Ex-Senators J. M. Mason and John Slidell, having been accredited by the Confederate government as envoys to European courts, had managed to elude the blockade and reach Havana. Captain Charles Wilkes, commanding the San Jacinto, learning that they were to take passage for England on the British mail steamer Trent, intercepted that vessel on November 8 near the coast of Cuba, took the rebel emissaries prisoner by the usual show of force, and brought them to the United States, but allowed the Trent to proceed on her voyage. The incident and alleged insult produced as great excitement in England as in the United States, and the British government began instant and significant preparations for war for what it hasti
ecies of ignominy. Base is he who would not continue to contend for our rights even when all shall be lost but honor. The capitalist must be liberal of his means, the speculator forego his gain, the straggler hasten to his regiment, every able-bodied man hold himself in readiness for military service; our women, the glory of our race, tend the loom and even follow the plough; our boys guard the homes their fathers are defending on the frontier, and Western skill and valor will prepare a San Jacinto defeat for every invading army that pollutes the soil of this department. Unsarpassed in courage, intelligence, and energy, you have only to arise in your might and the enemy will be speedily driven back. Be true to yourselves, your past history, to your hopes of the future, and a baffled foe will gladly seek the peace which we war to obtain. The enemy may dismiss all hopes that the Western section of the Confederacy will seek any destiny separate from that of our sisters east of the
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
en miles distant. On the appearance of the Trent, all hands were called to quarters on the San Jacinto, and Lieutenant D. M. Fairfax, a kinsman of Mason by marriage, was ordered to have two boats his passenger-list, and the Ambassadors had treated with scorn the summons to go on board the San Jacinto, which, like all the other acts of Fairfax, had been done with the greatest courtesy and propsent, and Mason and Slidell, compelled to yield to circumstances, went. quietly on board the San Jacinto with their secretaries. The Trent, with the families of Slidell and Eustis on board, and itsency involved in the act. Public honors were tendered to Commander Wilkes, The crew of the San Jacinto presented to Lieutenant Fairfax, on board that vessel, in Boston Harbor, a beautiful silver gtary devices on it, and the inscription,--Presented to Lieutenant Fairfax, by the crew of the San Jacinto, as a slight token of their esteem and love. and resolutions of thanks were passed by publi
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 41: the Red River expedition, under Major-General N. P. Banks, assisted by the Navy under Rear-Admiral David D. Porter. (search)
examined the vessel the day after, and there was not a place six inches square not perforated by a bullet. The Osage secured a good position abreast of the main body of the enemy, and poured in grape, canister, and shrapnel from her 11-inch guns, mowing the enemy down by the dozen at every fire. The latter seemed to know no fear; as fast as one file was swept away, another took its place. The commanding officer of the Confederates, General Thomas Green, of Texas, who had served at San Jacinto and in the Mexican war, mounted on a fine horse, led his troops up to the bank, and encouraged them to pour in their fire, which they did incessantly, never less than 2,500 muskets firing at once upon the Osage. The wood-work of the latter was cut to pieces, but the danger from bullets passing through the iron was very little. While this was going on, the Lexington enfiladed the enemy with shell from her 8-inch guns, disabling the entire gun-battery. The fight had continued nearly an
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
. 1,918 05 294 77 1,623 28 do Mar. 29, 1864 San Jacinto. Sloop Brazer 8,836 65 884 59 7,952 06 d Boat and sundries 194 22 90 82 103 40 do   San Jacinto. (Waiting for prize list.) Boat, no nam43 64 203 66 2,139 98 Key West June 2, 1864 San Jacinto. Schooner Excelsior 2,630 88 678 31 1,95n 3,661 05 414 37 3,246 68 do June 20, 1865 San Jacinto. Brig H. C. Brooks 51,982 52 5,467 83 462 4,380 79 38,880 93 Key West Mar. 22, 1865 San Jacinto. Schooner Linda 1,237 65 171 50 1,066 15nolia 561 25 130 38 430 87 do June 11, 1864 San Jacinto. Schooner Maria Alberta 4,583 25 387 87 21 11 57,898 00 do April 26, 1865 Honduras, San Jacinto (Fox, Sea Bird, Two Sisters). Schooner Ms. Sloop (no name) 95 00 87 92 7 08 do   San Jacinto. Steamer Nan Nan 21,006 02 2,035 78 18,9079 00 2,621 97 29,457 07 do April 26, 1865 San Jacinto. Steamer P. C. Wallis Final decree nouck 9,071 02 974 53 8,096 49 do May 1, 1865 San Jacinto. Schooner Rebel 114 59 88 38 26 21 do Au[5 more...]
owa, his resolves in the Dem. Convention, 310; 312. Sanders, Geo. N., of Ky., joins the Rebels, 342. Sandusky, Ohio, fugitive-slave case at, 218. Sanford, Gen. Chas. W., his testimony as to Patterson's movements, etc., 536 to 538. San Jacinto, battle of, 150. San Jacinto, the, takes Mason and Slidell, 666. Santa Fe, expedition from Texas to, 151. Santa Rosa Island, map of, 601; the Rebel attack on the Zouaves there, 602. Saulsbury, Mr., of Del., declines to withdraw froSan Jacinto, the, takes Mason and Slidell, 666. Santa Fe, expedition from Texas to, 151. Santa Rosa Island, map of, 601; the Rebel attack on the Zouaves there, 602. Saulsbury, Mr., of Del., declines to withdraw from the Charleston Convention, 315; pleads for conciliation in the Senate, 373. Savannah, the privateer, captured by the brig Perry, 598; disposal of her crew, etc., 599. Scarytown, Va., Federals repulsed at, 524. Schenck, Gen. Robert C., of Ohio, 189; advances to Vienna, 533-4. Schoepf, Gen., defeats the Rebels at Wild-Cat, 616; his retreat from fancied foes, 617. Schofield, Major, Adjutant to Gen. Lyon, 579. Scott, Mr. delegate from Missouri, 74; 75; 89. Scott, Dred, accoun