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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
rg, but at last accounts had not advanced beyond that point. The rebel officers at Chambersburg stated that they were only waiting for infantry to move forward. The authorities are inclined to believe, however, that they will not move farther North. The farmers in the valley are sending their horses and cattle into the mountains. The rebels are gathering up all the negroes that can be found. Private property has been respected. They burned the railroad bridge across Scotland Creek, six miles this side of Chambersburg. Harper's Ferry invested. Baltimore, June 16th.--Fugitives from Hagerstown report the rebels picketing all the roads and not permitting any one to pass. The force that passed through were all cavalry, under Jenkins and Imboden, and did not exceed 2500. All was quiet at Frederick up to five o'clock this evening, though the people were greatly excited and hundreds were leaving. Harrisburg, June 17th.-The aspect of affairs, so far as c