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Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 14 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 4 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 2 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 2 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 14, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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er one hundred guns. It was bombarded by the English in 1812; it had accommodated four hundred men. Fort Livingstone was situated on Grand Terre Island, at the mouth of Barrataria Bay, and was destined for twenty or more guns. Fort Pike--was a casemate fortification, placed at the Rigolettes, or North Pass, between Lake Borgue and Lake Pontchartrain, commanding the entrance to.the lake, and the main channel to the gulf in that direction. The amount of its armament I could never learn; Fort Macomb guarded the South Pass, between Lakes Borgue and Pontchartrain, and had a dozen or more guns. Fort Dupre was a small fort commanding Bayou Dupre into Lake Borgue. Proctor's Tower was another small work on Lake Borgue; and Battery Bienvenue at the entrance of Bayou Bienvenue into Lake Borgue. Besides these latter small batteries, mounting a few guns, were the Chalmette Batteries, above Fort Jackson, and much nearer the city. All these positions, guarding the approaches to New-Orleans
who had but few arms, and those mostly shot-guns, and two or three regiments in process of formation under the last call of the President, who were entirely unarmed. I removed all the troops I could control to this point, where, by taking the arms from the militia and men over age, I have managed to get five regiments pretty well armed. One of these I have sent to Vicksburg to occupy that place, and shall send there several companies of artillery as soon as they arrive from Forts Pike and Macomb. As the enemy will not hold the city in large force, probably not 10,000 men, I am in doubt whether I had not better organize forces on the various approaches to the city, with a view to keeping the enemy from occupying any more territory than what he absolutely stands upon, or whether I shall move up to the line of Vicksburg and Jackson. They will not have for some time troops enough to send up the river for the purpose of occupying, and Vicksburg, if at all fortified, will be able (wit
rebel troops at the command of disloyal governors. The Government arsenals at Little Rock, Baton Rouge, Mount Vernon, Appalachicola, Augusta, Charleston, and Fayetteville, the ordnance depot at San Antonio, and all the other Government works in Texas, which served as the depots of immense stores of arms and ammunition, have been surrendered by the commanders or seized by disloyal hands. Forts Macon, Caswell, Johnson, Clinch, Pulaski, Jackson, Marion, Barrancas, McKee, Morgan, Gaines, Pike, Macomb, St. Phillip, Livingston, Smith, and three at Charleston, Oglethorpe barracks, Barrancas barracks, New Orleans barracks, Fort Jackson, on the Mississippi, the battery at Bienvenue, Dupre, and the works at Ship Island, have been successively stolen from the Government or betrayed by their commanding officers. The Custom-Houses at New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston, and other important points, containing vast amounts of Government funds, have been treacherously appropriated to sustain
few had even handled a musket. The military positions held by our forces extended from the Floridas to Western Texas on the Gulf, and upon the Mississippi from its mouth to Port Hudson, Key West, Pensacola, and Ship Island on the Gulf, were strongly garrisoned, and threatened constantly with attack by the enemy. Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and English Bend, on the lower river; New Orleans, Bonne Carre, Donaldsonville, Plaquemine, and Baton Rouge, on the upper river; and Forts Pike and Macomb on Lake Ponchartrain leading to the Gulf, and Berwick's Bay, were open to the incursions of the enemy, and necessarily strongly held by our forces. None of these could be evacuated except the town of Pensacola, leaving a garrison in the permanent works at the navy yard. All these positions were constantly threatened by an active and powerful enemy, who could concentrate at any point he pleased. That at Galveston had been captured by a force of not less than twenty-four men to one. It was
t of West Louisiana, I sent orders to the different commanding officers at Ports Livingston, Guiorr, Quitman, Berwick, and Chene, to destroy their guns, and taking their small arms, provisions, and ammunition, to join me at Camp Moore. Major Joy brought away the troops at the two latter forts in a very creditable manner, but those at the other works became demoralized, disbanded, and retured to New Orleans. I gave verbal instructions to Colonel Fuller to have the garrisons of Forts Pike and Macomb, battery Bienvenu, and Tower Dupre, ready to move at a moment's notice, as their posts were dependent on the city for provisions, and frequently for water. It was understood that the naval steamers, in connection with other vessels in the lake, should bring away these garrisons when called upon to do so; and after my arrival at Camp Moore, orders were given on the twenty-sixth to go for them, as I had been informed that Forts Jackson and St. Philip had been surrendered. Finding that this r
River; and that, to guard it properly against invasion, must be the one grand object in view on the part of the State authorities. He therefore advised Governor Moore and the Military Board to arm Forts Jackson and St. Philip with the heaviest guns procurable, and suggested the following plan for so doing: 1st, to remove the largest pieces already there, from the rear to the front or river faces of the forts; 2d, to transfer to them the heavy guns of both Fort Pike, on the Rigolets, and Fort Macomb, on the Chef Menteur—which were works of inferior order, not likely to be put in action at all against a fleet threatening the city. Major Beauregard also drew up, and furnished to the State authorities, the plans and estimates for two distinct river obstructions, to be placed between Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and to be there used, together or separately, according to the exigency of the case. The first was a floating boom consisting of two parts, formed of long timbers twelve inc
Forts Jackson and St. Philip are the proper ones below the city. If you cannot construct such rafts as designed by Mr. John Roy and myself, anchor in the stream several separate strong rafts, with openings large enough for day navigation; be careful that the enemy does not cut them loose at night, hence they must be well guarded. Have hot-shot furnaces properly filled, etc., in all your water batteries. 2d. Look to the defences of Proctor's Landing, Tower Dupres, Battery Bienvenu, Forts Macomb, Pike, and Livingston, and Berwick Bay. Their armaments, provisions, ammunition, etc., must be complete. Garrison, seven or ten men to a gun. 3d. The land defences of the city must not be neglected; they should be about three miles from the suburbs of the city, on both sides of the river. I prefer detached redans, closed at the gorge, with strong palisading, or redoubts, especially when you have artillery for them, with here and there infantry, parapets between them; otherwise a cr
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Corps de Afrique.--United States Colored Volunteers. (search)
4 (which see). 19th Corps de Afrique Regiment Infantry. Organized at Madisonville, La., February 11, 1864. Duty at Madisonville and Lakeport, La., till March, and at Morganza, La., till May, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 91st United States Colored Troops, April 4, 1864 (which see). 20th Corps de Afrique Regiment Infantry. Organized at Fort Pike, La., September 11, 1863. Attached to the Defenses of New Orleans to April, 1864. Service. Garrison Forts Pike, Macomb and Bienvenue till April, 1864. Designation of Regiment changed to 91st United States Colored Troops, April 4, 1864 (which see). 22nd Corps de Afrique Regiment Infantry. Organized at New Orleans, La., September 30, 1863. Attached to District of La Fourche, Dept. of the Gulf, to February, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Corps de Afrique, to March, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Corps de Afrique, to April, 1864. Service. Duty at New Orleans, Brashear City, New Iberia
the Department that he had increased the armament of Forts Pike and Macomb, and thought he would be able to make a complete obstruction of the Measures were also taken to obstruct the passage at Forts Pike and Macomb, and the river above the city, the commanding General feeling satised attack of ships and mortar boats upon two points, Forts Pike and Macomb, and Forts Jackson and St. Philip. If the first are passed, we stience of a mutiny among the men on the 28th of April. Forts Pike and Macomb were abandoned without my orders. When I returned to the city fromn command of the works on the lakes, which comprised Forts Pike and Macomb, to have everything ready to abandon those forts, in case I should had arrived at Covington, La., with the garrison of Forts Pike and Macomb. This was the first knowledge I had of the abandonment of those woore, useless to make any further attempt to reoccupy Forts Pike and Macomb. The cisterns in the two last-named works only held water enough t
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
Fort St. Philip, nearly killing its commander. The explosion was terrific; and if it had taken place a few minutes later, it would certainly have destroyed the Harriet Lane, on board of which Porter and Duncan had met to arrange the details of the convention. While General Phelps occupied the forts, Butler, with the remainder of his troops, was proceeding toward New Orleans. The way was henceforth clear, and there was nothing left to prevent the victualling of the fleet. Forts Pike and Macomb, situated at the entrance of Lake Pontchartrain, had been abandoned, and the Confederate steamers which were on the lake were destroyed by their crews even before they had seen a single enemy. The last defences of New Orleans were therefore overthrown. Accordingly, on the 29th, Farragut, who had hitherto prudently avoided everything which might bring on a collision with the population, sent at last a detachment of marines to hoist the Federal flag upon one of the public buildings. But t