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The Daily Dispatch: April 18, 1864., [Electronic resource], Yankee vessel Blown up by a Torpedo. (search)
to Georgia about three weeks ago under Wheeler. Armstrong has gone home, and his command is now under Col. Dibrell, say 3,500. This cavalry is now in the neighborhood of Kingsport, Tenn., Bluntville, and other places in the upper counties, for the protection of the salt works. They were intended to be sent to Breckinridge and go to Kentucky. Breckinridge is watching the salt works with about 8,000 men, including the cavalry above named. At last accounts the rebel army had passed the Watauga river. Our army, as on former occasions when the enemy has withdrawn, is advancing up the valley, and last night reached Sick Creek. The destruction of the railroad and wagon bridges, necessarily retards our movements., the weather for two weeks has been cold and disagreeable for campaigning, and for two days has been rainy, rendering the roads very muddy. Miscellaneous There has arrived in Baltimore a refugee from Richmond, Mrs. Lucy A. Rice. Mrs. Rice, says the Yankee papers, des