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Browsing named entities in Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Youngs Branch (West Virginia, United States) or search for Youngs Branch (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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is' fords, for two miles up the stream to the mouth of Young's branch, three-fourths of a mile below the stone bridge, whilers, with two 6-pounder howitzers, across the valley of Young's branch to the high ground called Matthews' hill (on the dividfull view of Evans' contention on the opposite side of Young's branch valley, and was opening with his artillery upon the Fehe greater part of them retreated, discomfited, across Young's branch, and sought safety around the sheltering spur to the rFederal fire in the shallow ravines that ascended from Young's branch, from near the turnpike, to the right and rear of the lope on which Evans had so long detained them, crossed Young's branch and the Warrenton turnpike, and began climbing the nort down the slope from the north, crossed the valley of Young's branch, and pressed up the northwestward slope of the Henry hand across the turnpike on our right and the valley of Young's branch on our left, leaving in our final possession the Robin
Jackson was concentrated in a strong position, the one the Federals had first occupied at the first battle of Bull Run, looking down upon the stream valley of Young's branch along which ran the Warrenton and Alexandria turnpike, his guns in place and his troops ready for action. That same noonday, Pope, having reached Manassas Jueading from Centreville and from Manassas Junction. By 10 a. m. of the morning of the 29th, Lee had stationed himself on a commanding knoll, near the head of Young's branch, on the south side of the turnpike, from which he could see his left, under Jackson, stretching away to the northeast in his strong position on the Sudley ridCol. Stephen D. Lee, on the commanding watershed swell in the center of his lines, where their lines of fire led down the center of the depression followed by Young's branch and threaded by the turnpike leading through the midst of the Federal host to the stone bridge over Bull run. The brigades of Longstreet, from the center sou
more & Ohio railroad trains. After the organization of the army in the Valley under General Johnston, he was attached to Bee's brigade, with which the Staunton artillery went into the battle at Manassas, July 21st, 1861. He was just in time to take a good position near the Henry house as the Federal attack fell upon the Confederate flank, and immediately became engaged with the famous batteries of Ricketts and Griffin. For half an hour after the Confederate infantry were driven across Young's branch, Imboden's battery fought alone, finally retiring and taking a new position supported by Stonewall Jackson, where it was in action until the ammunition was exhausted. Subsequently Captain Imboden, Lieut.-Col. Robert B. Lee and Maj. W. L. Cabell constituted a board of investigation, which reported in explanation of the failure to pursue McDowell to Washington that the food and transportation were inadequate. During Jackson's Valley campaign, 1862, Imboden, with a commission as colonel,